Covered in spots (lke chicken pox)


New member
Hello all. Obviously I am a total rookie here and I am having some sorta serious problems right out of the gates. I did a 300mg shot of Nandrolone Decanoate. I did it around noon on day 1. Day 2: 6am I broke out in hives on my belly and right leg (injected in right cheek) and they were itchy. The back of my tongue was swollen and bothering me. Benadryl brought the swelling down. Day 3: outbreak continued to both legs, back chest, arms. Day 4: Hives started to be full of water like fluid. Started to resemble chicken pox. Day 5: 4 spots showed up in my mouth. Spots on my body started to stabilize. Day 6: spots in my mouth popped, spots on my body turned purple as they started to heal. Day 7: spots in mouth started to heal, spots on body healing. Day 8: spots no longer purple, spots in mouth nearly healed. Day 9:On the mend. Day 11: still have spots everywhere but they are looking much better.

3 Dr's did not suspect the Nandrolone as the culprit. They suspected it was an allergy but didn't know to what. My personal Dr was positive it was the drug. Freaked out on me and ordered a ridiculous amount of tests. Chiropractor thought it was chicken pox. It really looked and acted like chicken pox. I treated it with tons of Benadryl to keep the reaction down.

I am quite concerned and don't think I should take this again. So I am now asking for help. What drug family is Nandrolone from and what others will be of the same family. What will be some others that could be safer.

Thanks for the help
Sounds weird dude, I wouldn't touch anymore of that, not sure how well you trust your source but you never know what your injecting if its from an unreliable source, plus I would hope your running test with that, either way I would get off immediately.
I was not running test. I trust the source to the extent I would trust any source. Others are on it who I know and have no issues. Should i be on test at the same time?
Sounds like you have done no research at all , not trying to be a dick but their is a long list of reasons why test must be ran in any cycle you do and why test should be the only compound you run th first time, that's like steroids 101, do the smart thing and spend some time learning and researching or you could do yourself some harm, just some friendly advice bro, that's what this place is for to learn.