creatine everyday for multiple years?


New member
im just curious if creatine everyday for multiple years is bad.. should there be a break? ive been taking it forever and never really had thought about it too much. any answers are much appreciated :D
Just like other things if you take it at a moderate dose it is safe. Tylenol is safe unless you take more than 4grams in a 24hr period then you can go into liver failure. Creatine at 5grams a day is good unless you are well above 200lbs then you can bump that up a bit. The thing you need to watch is your kidney stress numbers in your blood work. BUN and creatinine levels. I have taken creatine for so many yrs without a break but the last two yrs I started taking a protein shake that also had creatine in it and I was taking over 10grams a day. My kidney numbers where always high I didn't realize why at first. I stopped taking creatine or anything that has creatine in it for almost a year now and my kidney numbers are still high but in the normal range which is good.
im just curious if creatine everyday for multiple years is bad.. should there be a break? ive been taking it forever and never really had thought about it too much. any answers are much appreciated :D

It's safe. :)

Effects of long-term creatine supplementation on liver and kidney functions in American college football players. - PubMed - NCBI

I would like to add that many forget that creatine draws water into muscle tissues, which means water intake is that more important.

My .02c :)
im just curious if creatine everyday for multiple years is bad.. should there be a break? ive been taking it forever and never really had thought about it too much. any answers are much appreciated :D

you are fine using creatine without cycling. Some of the stuff you read about it has no science behind it,. There is no evidence that it causes muscle tears, harms the kidneys, causes dehydration or anyone other stuff you might have heard really.