creatine titrate?


New member
hey folks, i'm new to these forums and new to bodybuilding altogether. i've been eating heavily, lifting and supplementing with designer whey for a couple months now and progress seems to be moving along fine. i've just recently been looking into creatine and a lot of these minor side effects (which are major in my eyes, lol...) like diarrhea and nausea keep my weary of ordering. i just came across this stuff called creatine titrate but i cant find any reviews on it.

do any of you have any experience or heard anything about this? apparently the creatine is pre-disolved or w/e which gives you the full effect of it WITHOUT the diarrhea and nausea, apparently. so pretty much, this should be the top brand name for creatine right? or wrong? anyone?
I've heard good things about PureCEE available at the AF Store.

I'm not a big fan of just creatine, I take Fast Twitch (by Cytosports) pre-workout, it's been working really well for me.