stats are: 33yrs old, 195, unsure of body fat%, pretty lean with some small love handles, currently on 400 test cyp/week .5 arimidex/eod
goal is to bulk up with out putting on to much fat, do to my work hours and lack of breaks these meals work around my squedual.
730 5 eggs (2 whole 3 whites) flax, muli vit., milk thistle
900 1 cup oatmeal 1 bannana
1200 chicken breast veggies brown rice (this meal always varies)
200 protein shake
400 2 hamburger patties w/ cheese
700 chicken breast brown rice veggies
800 w/o
930 pwo shake w/ dextrose
1030 chicken breast brown rice veggies
bed time cottage cheese and natty PB
goal is to bulk up with out putting on to much fat, do to my work hours and lack of breaks these meals work around my squedual.
730 5 eggs (2 whole 3 whites) flax, muli vit., milk thistle
900 1 cup oatmeal 1 bannana
1200 chicken breast veggies brown rice (this meal always varies)
200 protein shake
400 2 hamburger patties w/ cheese
700 chicken breast brown rice veggies
800 w/o
930 pwo shake w/ dextrose
1030 chicken breast brown rice veggies
bed time cottage cheese and natty PB