this may have been a better sub forum since almost everyone decided to talk about the diet part. just cut and pasted the important stuff. any help is appreciated!
32 years old 6'0 185-190 pounds 25 bmi ~15%bf
may be a long post, but id like to cover everything im curious about
steady workout routing for the last 2-3 years and was able to tone and add some form, but never able to really grow bigger. thought I had a decent diet, started looking into steroids, asking questions, lurking forums. turns out I had a terrible diet and decided to focus on fixing that before sticking myself with shit. for the last 2 months ive been eating what I think is a good diet. ill post and please critique for me. it has made a huge difference and im noticing changes in ways I havent ever before. the diet change was huge, but im ready to improve on it even more. I have some fat around my gut that I want gone, but im scared to do too much cardio. I was doing high intensity interval sprints after lifting, and was told that it could be having a negative effect on muscle growth. ive just recently (two weeks ago) switched to stairs or incline walking after lifting. I started a test enanthate only cycle at 250x2 last week, pin 3 is coming on Monday. got enough for 15 weeks, with arimidex at 12.5 eod. got clomid and nolva for my post cycle therapy (pct) ready and waiting, and looking into getting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for a blast when I come off the test. I feel pretty confident from reading around here that its a strong beginner cycle, but I admit I was expecting to feel more alive, or energized. is it just a matter of time? im in the gym six days a week, and ive been doing split body parts, about 5 exercises per day, 3-4 sets, 10-12 reps.
heres what I eat
9 wakeup
16 tablespoons liquid egg whites
125 cal 0 carb 25 pro 0 fat
1 serving greek yogurt
160 cal 19 carb 11 pro 4.5 fat
some kinda breakfast bar, sometimes some oatmeal
its usually the bar so ill use that info
130 cal 21 carb 6 pro 3.5 fat
415 cal 40 carb 42 pro 8 fat
12 lunch
cup brown rice
230 cal 45 carb 5 pro 3.5 fat
6-8 oz chicken breast
280 cal 0 carb 56 pro 6 fat
500 cal 45 carb 61 pro 9.5 fat
130ish workout
3 postworkout
syntha6 shake
280 cal 16 carb 40 pro 6 fat
serving of tuna
70 cal 0 carb 17 pro .5 fat
350 cal 16 carb 57 pro 6.5 fat
5 dinner
8-10 oz salmon or chicken just gonna go with salmon
525 cal 0 carb 56 pro 30 fat
60 cal 8 carb 2 pro 0 fat
small sweet potato
103 cal 23 carb 2 pro 0 fat
688 cal 31 carb 60 pro 30 fat
6-8 oz sirloin or more chicken
280 cal 0 carb 56 pro 6 fat
280 cal 0 carb 56 pro 6 fat
1/6 carton cottage cheese
90 cal 4 carb 16 pro 1 fat
casein shake
120 cal 3 carb 24 pro 1 fat
210 cal 7 carb 40 pro 2 fat
so the daily total is 2443 cal 139 carb 316 pro 62 fat
it never varies too much from that, I take an amino and fish oil, along with that gnc mens super vitamin.
so im just curious if im on the right track or how close or far off I am. im willing to make whatever changes needed. I primarily want to get rid of this bit of fat on my stomach, but not at the expense of the gains ive already made, am making. ive been told its not really possible to lose fat and gain muscle, but I don't want to believe it. I can post more detail if you guys need it, just ask. I appreciate any help. thank you!
and I listed in my first post, Im 32, I weigh 185-190 and im six feet exact. im already on the test, so yes im tryin to get bigger, and rumpy got it exactly, if theres anything I can do it cut the gut down while im at it, that's what id like to do. im not looking to rocket to a six pack or even single digit body fat. im not looking to compete either. I just want a better more muscular shape. ive heard that the test allows for extra cardio without worrying about restricted the muscle gains. so is there any truth to that? Im looking for advice on the diet to match up with what im trying to do, and im looking for advice on what cardio/workout/dite combo plan would be best. thanks again!
32 years old 6'0 185-190 pounds 25 bmi ~15%bf
may be a long post, but id like to cover everything im curious about
steady workout routing for the last 2-3 years and was able to tone and add some form, but never able to really grow bigger. thought I had a decent diet, started looking into steroids, asking questions, lurking forums. turns out I had a terrible diet and decided to focus on fixing that before sticking myself with shit. for the last 2 months ive been eating what I think is a good diet. ill post and please critique for me. it has made a huge difference and im noticing changes in ways I havent ever before. the diet change was huge, but im ready to improve on it even more. I have some fat around my gut that I want gone, but im scared to do too much cardio. I was doing high intensity interval sprints after lifting, and was told that it could be having a negative effect on muscle growth. ive just recently (two weeks ago) switched to stairs or incline walking after lifting. I started a test enanthate only cycle at 250x2 last week, pin 3 is coming on Monday. got enough for 15 weeks, with arimidex at 12.5 eod. got clomid and nolva for my post cycle therapy (pct) ready and waiting, and looking into getting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) for a blast when I come off the test. I feel pretty confident from reading around here that its a strong beginner cycle, but I admit I was expecting to feel more alive, or energized. is it just a matter of time? im in the gym six days a week, and ive been doing split body parts, about 5 exercises per day, 3-4 sets, 10-12 reps.
heres what I eat
9 wakeup
16 tablespoons liquid egg whites
125 cal 0 carb 25 pro 0 fat
1 serving greek yogurt
160 cal 19 carb 11 pro 4.5 fat
some kinda breakfast bar, sometimes some oatmeal
its usually the bar so ill use that info
130 cal 21 carb 6 pro 3.5 fat
415 cal 40 carb 42 pro 8 fat
12 lunch
cup brown rice
230 cal 45 carb 5 pro 3.5 fat
6-8 oz chicken breast
280 cal 0 carb 56 pro 6 fat
500 cal 45 carb 61 pro 9.5 fat
130ish workout
3 postworkout
syntha6 shake
280 cal 16 carb 40 pro 6 fat
serving of tuna
70 cal 0 carb 17 pro .5 fat
350 cal 16 carb 57 pro 6.5 fat
5 dinner
8-10 oz salmon or chicken just gonna go with salmon
525 cal 0 carb 56 pro 30 fat
60 cal 8 carb 2 pro 0 fat
small sweet potato
103 cal 23 carb 2 pro 0 fat
688 cal 31 carb 60 pro 30 fat
6-8 oz sirloin or more chicken
280 cal 0 carb 56 pro 6 fat
280 cal 0 carb 56 pro 6 fat
1/6 carton cottage cheese
90 cal 4 carb 16 pro 1 fat
casein shake
120 cal 3 carb 24 pro 1 fat
210 cal 7 carb 40 pro 2 fat
so the daily total is 2443 cal 139 carb 316 pro 62 fat
it never varies too much from that, I take an amino and fish oil, along with that gnc mens super vitamin.
so im just curious if im on the right track or how close or far off I am. im willing to make whatever changes needed. I primarily want to get rid of this bit of fat on my stomach, but not at the expense of the gains ive already made, am making. ive been told its not really possible to lose fat and gain muscle, but I don't want to believe it. I can post more detail if you guys need it, just ask. I appreciate any help. thank you!
and I listed in my first post, Im 32, I weigh 185-190 and im six feet exact. im already on the test, so yes im tryin to get bigger, and rumpy got it exactly, if theres anything I can do it cut the gut down while im at it, that's what id like to do. im not looking to rocket to a six pack or even single digit body fat. im not looking to compete either. I just want a better more muscular shape. ive heard that the test allows for extra cardio without worrying about restricted the muscle gains. so is there any truth to that? Im looking for advice on the diet to match up with what im trying to do, and im looking for advice on what cardio/workout/dite combo plan would be best. thanks again!