Critique my bulking diet please


New member
Ok i am currently 6'3 251lbs bout 12% bf. let me know if i need to up my protein. I think its my fats i might up with olive oil or mct oil. let me know please. Sorry the numbers are all messed up, i pulled it off of word and it fits like this. it has the total of carbs, protein, fats, and calories at the end though. let me know what i should do. thanks

Adams Bulk Diet (2006-2007)

Carbs Protein Fat Calories
Meal 1
2 scoop protein shake 6 40 4 220
1 cup yogurt 40 7 2.5 210
1/3 cup malt-o-meal 54 8 0 260
1 apple 23 1 0 90

Meal 2
4 pieces wheat bread 52 8 2 280
1 can tuna 0 39 3 186
2 tbsp mayo 4 0 6 80
16 oz orange juice 54 3 0 240
¼ cup walnuts 8 2 18 180
*6 oz pasta 45 0 0 180

Meal 3
16 oz milk 24 16 0 180
2 scoops protein 6 40 4 220
3 tbsp. honey 52 0 0 208
1 banana 28 1 1 109
* 6 oz pasta 45 0 0 180
* ¾ cup white rice 35 3 0 160
* 1 coke 43 0 0 160

Meal 4
2 scoops protein 6 40 4 220
50g dextrose 50 0 0 200
50g maltodextrin 50 0 0 200

Meal 5
1 can tuna 0 39 3 186
4 oz pasta 30 0 0 120
2 tbsp flax oil 0 0 18 160
* 6 oz pasta 45 0 0 180
* 1 scoop protein 3 20 2 110
* ¾ cup white rice 35 3 0 160
* 1 coke 43 0 0 160

Meal 6
1 cup corn 46 4 1 184
1 white potato 36 4 0 160
1 can tuna 0 39 3 186
2 tbsp mayo 4 0 6 80
* ¾ cup white rice 35 3 0 160
* 1 coke 43 0 0 160

Meal 7
1 ½ cup oatmeal 81 15 9 450
1 cup cottage cheese 10 24 3 160
1 protein shake 3 20 2 110

* = added calories

Total: Protein = 379
Carbs = 1039 g
Fats = 92 g
Calories = 6500 g
Where did you get the number 6500? Did you just pick the number out of thin air, or have you thoroughly tracked calories and determined that you need that many calories to gain weight? Seems pretty high to me.
no i have it all measured out and that is how many calories im takin in. check it out if you would like. If its not then i miscalculated it, but im pretty sure thats what it is.
no what i mean is have you found out through trial and error that you need 6500 calories to gain weight? 251 pounds aint small, but 6500 calories seems like more than you would need....but if thats what you legitimately need, then i cant argue with that.

If you wanted to do a typical 40/40/20 macro breakdown using 6500 cals, that would put you at 650g protein, which is over 2.5 times your bodyweight, which IMO is too high for a natural lifter.

The way you have your carbs set up now, theyre at 65% of your total calories, which IMO is also too high seeing as youre not doing any type of endurance training (or at least havent mentioned it)...but every one is different, so i cant really say if it is too high for you specifically.