Critique my cutting cycle


New member
28 yo male, 6'0 195, pretty good shape.

Ran 1 cycle before, Dbol & Test E.

Goal is 5-8% bodyfat.

Week 1-10 ED Tren A (75mg) / Test P (40mg) / Mast P (75mg)
Week 1-10 EOD Caber (0.25mg)
Week 1-16 ED Aromasin (12.5mg)
Week 7-12 ED Anavar (100mg)
Week 11-12 ED Test P (40mg)

Day after last Test P pin, start 10 day blast of HCG (500iu ED).

Then start Clomid (50mg ED) and Nolva (20mg ED). Run Clomid for 5 weeks, Nolva for 6 weeks. Stop Aromasin after 1st week of Clomid and Nolva.
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i wouldn't start off straight away with the tren and mast and test, but rather save the tren for later. the leaner you get the harder you have to work to lose weight and preserve muscle. so save the tren when you're really in a deficit.

and i think thats a lot of tren. 500mg a week is way too much especially right from the start especially for a first run with tren.

if i were you, i would do something like this.

weeks 1-6: 525mg test prop per week, 50mg winstrol ED
weeks 4-6: 350mg test prop 350mg tren ace
weeks 6-12: 175mg test prop, 350mg tren ace, 525mg a week mast prop

mast is always the best finisher, especially with some tren and low test to really show your lines better.

also from personal exp.. with 525mg of test, 12.5 aromasin EOD would be right. for 350, 6.25 EOD. and for 175 sometimes no AI is needed, i need one. 6.25mg aromasin every few days, or .25mg arimidex every 5th day or something like that would be good
What is your current bf% at? Damn bro, kind of young still as well. 25-27 is ideal. Whats your cycle experience? Meaning, if this is your 2nd cycle only, I would not use Tren until much later down the road. Did you get bloodwork before your cycle or plan on getting it done? Also if you wanted to cut. I would run Test, Deca, and Winstrol. That should shred you up nicely. Depending on your bodyfat that is..
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Quickly OP this is all over the place in the way you present this. So what the hell does pretty good shape mean. Unless you are in Great shape you have NO GOOD reason to embark on a cycle. Cycling is to help us get past our natty potential. So you are saying you are not there...>|??????

Really don't mean to bash you but " I'm in pretty good shape and I want to do a multi compound cycle... huh ??

What is wrong with this picture ??
i wouldn't start off straight away with the tren and mast and test, but rather save the tren for later. the leaner you get the harder you have to work to lose weight and preserve muscle. so save the tren when you're really in a deficit.

and i think thats a lot of tren. 500mg a week is way too much especially right from the start especially for a first run with tren.

if i were you, i would do something like this.

weeks 1-6: 525mg test prop per week, 50mg winstrol ED
weeks 4-6: 350mg test prop 350mg tren ace
weeks 6-12: 175mg test prop, 350mg tren ace, 525mg a week mast prop

mast is always the best finisher, especially with some tren and low test to really show your lines better.

also from personal exp.. with 525mg of test, 12.5 aromasin EOD would be right. for 350, 6.25 EOD. and for 175 sometimes no AI is needed, i need one. 6.25mg aromasin every few days, or .25mg arimidex every 5th day or something like that would be good

Sorry Gill this guy is NO where near doing a cycle as to what you have laid out.

Shit hey where is Milton...Dammit Gill you have done this many times and have been reprimanded by Vets, I think Milton and myself about Suggesting Over the top cycles for unqualified people.
Sorry Gill this guy is NO where near doing a cycle as to what you have laid out.

Shit hey where is Milton...Dammit Gill you have done this many times and have been reprimanded by Vets, I think Milton and myself about Suggesting Over the top cycles for unqualified people.

Not to be a dick, but if this is only his 2nd cycle, I 100% percent agree with Mike. Multiple compounds for new guys is setting them up for failure. With such side effects from so many compounds (or starting sides), along with a lack of knowledge, there not going to know what hit them. The proof is all over the forums, I see it all the time. Dudes out there dont read or study, and then blame someone else for there stupidity. Or get fucked up, and it could have been avoided. There is no need for some of these guys to rush into high doses or multiple compounds right away. Especially tren.