Critique My Diet PLEASE HELP


New member
Meal 1 (breakfeast) (6:30am)
-liquid egg whites 36tbsp.=300 calories. 60g protein . 0carbs. 0 fats.
-valutime quick oats(1/2cup)=140 calories. 5gs protein . 26 g carbs. 2.5g fats.

Meal 2(9:20am) midmorning snack****(i want to replace tuna with whey and casein shake)!!!!!
-2 cans of starkist tuna (10oz)=200cals,40g protein , 2g carbs, 2g fats
*****CORRECTION....Just 1 scoop of whey and 1 scoop of casein more tuna***

Meal 3 (12:30pm) lunch
-(6-8oz)grilled chicken breast=240calories,48g protein ,3g fat, 0g carbs
-1 cup raw broccoli=24 calories,2g protein , 4.6g carbs,0g fats

Meal 4 (3:15pm) pre workout
-6-8oz grilled chicken breast=240calories,48g protein ,3g fat, 0g carbs
-1 cup brown rice=216 calories,5g protein ,1.8g fats,44g carbs
-1 cup raw brocolli=24 calories,2g protein , 4.6g carbs,0g fats

Meal 5 (6-7pm) post workout shake
-whey protein shake=240 calories, 48g protein , 2g fats,6g carbs

Meal 6 (7-8pm) post workout meal
-6-8oz grilled chicken breast=240calories,48g protein ,3g fat, 0g carbs
-1 cup raw brocolli=24 calories,2g protein , 4.6g carbs,0g fats
-1 cup brown rice=216 calories,5g protein ,1.8g fats,44g carbs

Meal 7 (9-10pm) late night snack
-2 cans of starkist tuna (10oz)=200cals,40g protein , 2g carbs, 2g fats

Meal 8 (11-12) bedtime (:
-casein protein =240 calories,48g protein ,2g fat,6g fats
-1 cup fat free cottage cheese 2%=203 calories,31g protein ,4g fat,8g carbs

TOTALS=2,747 calories/432g protein /153.8g carbs/24.1g fats

18 years old,5foot 10 inches, 225lbs...Im not sure of BF% but i would guess 25% I will insert some pictures of me takin about a month back...I am currently on my 2nd week of running this diet...

I train 5 days a week. Mon-Fri...Chest,back,legs,arm,shoulders. I do about 10-15 mins of running then walking (1 min run, 2 min walk) after every training session. On the weekend I do AM fasted cardio, i take some aminos and sh** before doing that for about 30 mins. Of sprinting and walking....Trying to mimic an HIIT program? I am planning on doing the heavy bag, jump rope, and plyometrics on the weekends and limit the running portion to only 10 minutres....

My Goal is to be jack333d. Ill do whatever it takes i am very dedicated and consisent i never skip or add uncessary meals or snacks. And i dont skip workouts or training. Im tired of having love handles and being "chubby" and im tired of not seeing this muscle i work so hard for. CHrist i hardly look like i lift weight!!!!

well guys help me out!!!! I APPRECIATE IT!! SOO MUCH.:beertoast

Heres a picture of me for reference!
hey man diet looks good, seems like your well on your way to gettin jack333d!

i dunno why you wanna replace your tuna at meal 2 with a shake? for me i always try to use real food before supps.

your cardio routie sounds solid. i've done abit of polymetrics before and rate it highly.

good luck , keep at it
Thanks man..its just really hard to squeeze in that tuna at that point in i figured a quick black of protein along with slow digestion protein and aminos would fit nicely there...And yea i havent thrown in the plyometrics yet, just thought of the idea. I have a box and stuff so i deffinatly want to do the circuits of about 1 minute on heavy bag,then jump rope, then plyo...Itl b a good time (: haha...
fats look pretty low, am no expert though i'd bump that up to maybe around 100ish and drop protein down
Id say get some nuts in there for EFA's or peanut butter in one of your shakes (I'd have em in meal 2) as crazy as it is if you get good fats in your diet it'll help shift the bad ones which are affecting your results.
Id say get some nuts in there for EFA's or peanut butter in one of your shakes (I'd have em in meal 2) as crazy as it is if you get good fats in your diet it'll help shift the bad ones which are affecting your results.

I take a fish oil capsule 4 times a day...would that make up for this?
fats look pretty low, am no expert though i'd bump that up to maybe around 100ish and drop protein down

I just took out the protein cans 2 times at night and put in a simple greek yogurt with about 12gs protein and more carbs...and im sure a lil fat. healthy or not i dont know..
Best thing u could do buddy is contact 3J he gives proven results! Hundreds of testimonials on here of guys getting jacked with his diets! Everyone is different and he monitors your progress very closely to adjust things at the right time to get your best results
Best thing u could do buddy is contact 3J he gives proven results! Hundreds of testimonials on here of guys getting jacked with his diets! Everyone is different and he monitors your progress very closely to adjust things at the right time to get your best results

THanks alot man..if you could have em take a took on here.i have no idea how to contact him. he did tell me he was going to check my diet tho..
I take a fish oil capsule 4 times a day...would that make up for this?

If your taking the fish oil caps into consideration in your macros then I'd still say add the nuts. If you haven't then see how it looks once you have.
always remember, in order to shredd fat and look ripped,you need to burn more calories than you eat!

honestly i think i am. also compared to my last diet this is a hugeee deduction of calories and fats and carbs...i just want to build some muscle!