Critique my third cycle!


New member
Hey everyone,

Long time lurker of the boards here needing everyones opinion on my next cycle.

23 years old
Been lifting 4 years
92kg 14% bf
2 cycles, both tes t e, 14 weeks @ 650mg per week

Never experienced any sides apart from increase hair growth, oily skin and some pimples. Only ever used standard Nolv a PC T protocol and seem to recover quickly.

I plan to introduce tren ace in my next cycle, and this is what I'm planning to do...

WEEK 1-12 Test prop, 100mg EOD
WEEK 1-8 Tren Ace, 75mg EOD
WEEK 1-8 Prami, 0.25mg ED (increase to 0.5mg if necessary)
WEEK 14-18 Nolva 40/40/20/20

Any suggestions? Want to keep it as simple as possible! Thanks everyone.
that much test needs AI

tren A @ 75 is bare minimum, go with 100

you can start the anti-prolactin after week 3 , no worries
thanks for the advice!

also, i noticed on my test cycles my hairline has started to recede. Should I jump on finesterid or similiar? Im worried the tren will make me bald!
I would run the Tren A for 10 weeks. I had initially planned to run it 8 weeks my last run but once I was at 8 weeks, I pushed it out to 10 weeks. You will thank me. Also, I would definitely run clomid in the PCT mix at 50/50/50/50. Good luck.
Thanks for your feedback!

I may be able to source some HCG for this cycle, and was planning on using 500IU everyday for the 10 days leading up to commencing my PCT.... does that sound ok?