Curious as to effectiveness and possible results with this "simple" stack.

So my gym bro who has been training for 7 years has decided to run winny @ 20mg daily and 200mg Test-P EOD... I told him just to run the Test for his first cycle, but he's grown and I got him running Nolva and Clomid as standard protocol PCT. I'm thinking he can put on 15-20 pounds easy with this as his first gear run. I'm curious and want to solicit opinions from the more experienced. I ran Test- E, Sustanon and Winny before and put on 20 pounds in the first 4 weeks, so if he runs this for 12 what can he realistically expect? Thanks all.
He eats pretty decent I believe I always see his lunch meal. Well prepared and balanced as far as protein/carbs/fats. Always has food to eat through the day...protein bars, fruit, whatever is calorie dense it seems. Always drinking unflavored protein and water. Says he eats like two dinners as well. He started a week ago and already seems visually a little bigger, definitely more vascular. Just looking at him he probably gained 3-4 pounds by the eyeball test. I might be just looking for gains though. So Megatron... just by what I see I'm thinking a 12 pound gain is achievable, maybe more. As long as he's eating with those two compounds I'm thinking he has a solid shot at reaching his goal give or take 5 pounds. His target is 20 pounds in 12 weeks. Thoughts?
I think you should have your friend get online and open an account here. He can post his story and we can help him. I don't even know his current stats. For all I know he could weigh 90 pounds right now.
Lol, he's 155 pounds, but a strong fella for a small guy (natty bench 335, natty squat 450). I was just asking out of my own curiosity as at 5' 7" tall if he gains 20+ pounds he will look like a tank for sure. He's running those compounds so he can clean up his system fair quickly since he's a 22 y/o d1 athlete trying to put on extra size for consideration at the next level. He plays slot receiver at the FCS level and just finished his season. I'm just seriously intrigued by the possibilities of his gains, so a good guesstimate from someone of your gear-cerebrality will satisfy my itch if you're willing to do so.