current cycle - test with tren and mast. short esters.

just started a cycle so i'll throw this in here.

started it saturday.

age - 32
height - 6ft
weight - 218
bf - low

done various things during my career as a pro athlete. 2nd regular "cycle" doing on my own.

keepin it simple.

test prop 150mg/ml - 2ml per week
mast prop 150mg/ml - 2ml per week
tren ace 100mg/ml - 4.5ml per week

inject 3 times a week. will inject wherever i feel like it at the time. weekend was right side ventro gluteal. today was split between both pecs. next will probably be one or both shoulders or left side ventro gluteal.

i take caber. i have adex and aromasin on hand but i'm not taking them right now.

workout plan varies. cardio is usually short runs AM. PM too sometimes. bodyweight warmups. 150 reps pull ups (10 sets of 15), 150 decline pushups. 150 weighted jump squats or other dynamic legs, 150 abs, 5x 100ft 4stop sprinting shuttle runs.
weight room is a lot of dynamic stuff most days. heavy but not super heavy for high reps x high sets. AM and PM same workout. 1-2 hours nap during the day somewhere most days. full body but focus with heavier weight on one body part per day. 2 days a week heavy strength days. focus on legs and back only for those. ab work every day. rest periodically.
Welcome aboard. You seem to have a knowledgable background with this stuff so it'll be refreshing having a new "face" in here lol. Best of luck in your cycles brother. Stay safe. :)
man i been around the block when it come to training but until my mid twenties everything been controlled by coaching staff and trainers, especially food and supps. i learned a lot but didn't start putting my own shit together until i went over to thailand to train and fight professionally. some ozzies helped me with gear but they had their own wack set ups and i learned a lot since then to bring me to where i am today.

thanks for the friendly welcome. happy to be here, now if i just get this damn posting issue fixed i'd be straight!
man i been around the block when it come to training but until my mid twenties everything been controlled by coaching staff and trainers, especially food and supps. i learned a lot but didn't start putting my own shit together until i went over to thailand to train and fight professionally. some ozzies helped me with gear but they had their own wack set ups and i learned a lot since then to bring me to where i am today.

thanks for the friendly welcome. happy to be here, now if i just get this damn posting issue fixed i'd be straight!

Knowledge is a never ending process for all of us. Always better to understand things for yourself. And about the posting, 3J a mod here has stated there's a problem with the posing where it needs mod approval. They're working on that to fix it ASAP.
amen to that. i learn new shit every day brah and i love it. i was talking to 3J via PM and he was manually approving my posts and then it all got hooked up and i'm good now.

Knowledge is a never ending process for all of us. Always better to understand things for yourself. And about the posting, 3J a mod here has stated there's a problem with the posing where it needs mod approval. They're working on that to fix it ASAP.