Cut? Bulk? I need advice. Please help.


New member
I want to start by saying I’m not even thinking about doing a cycle. I just want expert advice on what direction I should take.

I’m 6’ and I’ve been working out for 14 months. I started at 139 lbs, now I’m 183, my max weight was 195, according to my caliper I’m 18%bf.

The problem is my gut saw the greatest gains. When I started I felt like an average skinny kid, now I feel like an average chubby kid, but I don’t know if I want to start cutting. I feel like I don’t have enough mass to cut, I think my arms are really small and I just feel skinny-fat in general. I think if I’d cut I would look plain skinny again. What should I do? Should I cut and start bulking again after? Or should I just keep bulking and cut later?
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yeah i would say def eat healthier , and worry more about diet than how you train. . . i think you'll start to see good results from that alone
Thanks for the replies. So should I just do a "clean bulk" diet and keep everything else the same? And what can I do to pack on some (a lot) of arm mass?
got2bebig said:
Thanks for the replies. So should I just do a "clean bulk" diet and keep everything else the same? And what can I do to pack on some (a lot) of arm mass?

eat clean foods and you will see positive changes in your body...

give it time and be patient

lift heavy and dedicate a day to training arms and they should come. stick to heavy "mass building" exercises for your arms (close grip bench, straight bar curls, etc...)
just stick with it man. you wont see any difference for a while then you will look into the mirrior one day and find that your body actually changed alot. then the real motovation comes.