So I was Running a cutter cycle of Test prop 100mgs eod weeks 1-14, Eq 800mgs wk 1-14 and Stan tabs 50 mgs ed weeks 6-14.....however I noticed in week 8 my body was getting too flat ...ripped but I didn't develop the muscle I wanted so it looked a little flat so it was "Suggested" that I add Test Enth 750mgs a week switch the stan tabs for d-bols and run Deca 600mgs a week for 10 weeks then back into a cutter. My stats are 6'0, 220lbs and 15 %bf. I want to get up to 230-35(would be awesome) w/ same amount of bf. My diet is spot on. Has anyone done this type of switch before? I always was told to do post cycle therapy (pct) before running another cycle but apparently my friend who does shows says you can stay on! Let me know what you guys think.