Cutting a cycle short at sign of acne


New member
Hey bruhs. Just a quick background.
Did a 600 mg/w test e cycle about 2 years ago. Made nice gains, kept most post pct.
During that cycle I got a shit load of bacne. It eventually, after 6-8 months, went away with little scaring. But it retrospect I would have rather not done the cycle in lieu of having to deal with the problems that came with the bacne.

Now, am planning to run a low dose test e cutting cycle soon (300mg/w) with the aim of shedding fat while packing on slabs of muscle. Joking. With the aim to shed fat and maintain muscle(lil strength or leans gains wouldn't hurt).
Anyway, currently I am at the arse end of a +6 month 20mg e.d. Roaccutane (accutane) course. I understand that that alone will more than likely solve any acne problems with future cycles; but i still worry.
Say I was to start the low dose cycle and I start to see the bacne appear. If I stopped dosing and ran the pct would that nip the acne in the bud? Or would that be in vain and the acne would carry on spreading, running its course like it would during the cycle, regardless of discontinued use?

Once again, I'd much rather waste the money by cutting the cycle short if that meant not having to deal with the bacne 6/8 months after.

TL;DL: Is there any point in cutting a cycle short to stop bacne symptoms from getting worse, or would that be in vain.

Is it weird that I look forward to sticking a needle into my leg again? :D Maybe its cause my body associates the feeling of the pin with gains.
Thanks Guys.
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Some more info.

-I have been training natty since my last cycle two years ago.
-Inb4 shouldn't need steroids to cut with a proper diet. My diet is in check. Want a nice boost.
-Have yet to establish PCT, but will do so before I even order my test.
-Currently sitting around +/- 12% bf.
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Ur hormones rise and drop fluct is what is causing it. Most people's acne gets worst during PCT time, so I would not drop ur cycle because of acne.

If ur prone, this is something u should have looked into after running last cycle man. I know their is a lot of debate on accutane, but u should invest into it and make sure it's ran and in ur bloods for 1-2 months before u run a 16 weeks cycle and PCT. Keep taking it till ur done with cycle and PCT, then taper off the accutane.

I run it year round with NAC. my enzymes are in pretty good health around 35's doing this. So it's basically how u take care of urself for ur liver and what u do in ur free time such as drink, pain killer ect..

PS: Good dose of accutane is 20-40mg ED to start and if u run it long term can be done EOD too. Make SURE TO TAKE IT WITH FATTY FOOD ( I do 3 eggs)
Hey bruhs. Just a quick background.
Did a 600 mg/w test e cycle about 2 years ago. Made nice gains, kept most post pct.
During that cycle I got a shit load of bacne. It eventually, after 6-8 months, went away with little scaring. But it retrospect I would have rather not done the cycle in lieu of having to deal with the problems that came with the bacne.

Now, am planning to run a low dose test e cutting cycle soon (300mg/w) with the aim of shedding fat while packing on slabs of muscle. Joking. With the aim to shed fat and maintain muscle(lil strength or leans gains wouldn't hurt).
Anyway, currently I am at the arse end of a +6 month 20mg e.d. Roaccutane (accutane) course. I understand that that alone will more than likely solve any acne problems with future cycles; but i still worry.
Say I was to start the low dose cycle and I start to see the bacne appear. If I stopped dosing and ran the pct would that nip the acne in the bud? Or would that be in vain and the acne would carry on spreading, running its course like it would during the cycle, regardless of discontinued use?

Once again, I'd much rather waste the money by cutting the cycle short if that meant not having to deal with the bacne 6/8 months after.

TL;DL: Is there any point in cutting a cycle short to stop bacne symptoms from getting worse, or would that be in vain.

Is it weird that I look forward to sticking a needle into my leg again? :D Maybe its cause my body associates the feeling of the pin with gains.
Thanks Guys.

Sounds like you didn't manage estradiol by using an Aromatase Inhibitor while cycling. Acne is a common side effect of high E2.
...could not running 3-6 cc s of oil into your body also add to this malady ? I m just asking...I ve never had any issues w aas except hair growth, nail growth, shitty personality no nut syndrome etc