Cutting after PCT - When?


New member
Hello guys

I just started my week 7 on my first ever Test E (500 mg ew), and I am already starting to think about what is going to happen afterwards.

I am going to start my PCT 10 days after the last shot in week 12, and I want to do a cut without gear later on to shed some fat. I know that I won’t be fully recovered immediately when the PCT is done, so an immediate caloric deficit would probably result in losing all gains. After PCT I will still be in moderate caloric surplus to maintain weight. I’ve read a bit on the topic and the general consensus seems to be start a cut two months after PCT. I know that everyone is different, and somebody recovers faster than other. So I was thinking to start to slowly go in a caloric deficit 2-3 months after PCT and still keep protein high. What is your guys’ experience with cutting a couple of months after PCT and shedding fat without losing significant amount of muscle?
Glad to hear that!

I started at 79 kg and currently I am at 84 kg sitting at around 16% BF.

And further I have a hypothetical question following the previous question. If I chose to not cycle for a long time after the cut, would I slowly lose the new muscle gained during this cyle? My take on it would be that given the training, diet and rest are all on point and I have not reached my natural limit yet, I should be able to hold on the new muscle. But I am new to this game and I would really like to hear from more knowledgeable guys.
Haven’t been down this road but your plan seems to be consistent with what I’ve heard from others, but I’m definitely no diet specialist. As far as your recovery, labs will be the “black and white” on that. So get bloods around that week 8-10 mark and see where you are at.
Also, 10 days is probably a little to fast to start your pct with enanthate. I doubt you will be bled down to natty T levels by then. Probably looking at more like 19 days. There is a link to a chart on here somewhere that can plot it out
This is my experience and my opinion on the cut\bulk ideology.
I find it easier to cut and loose no muscle when on gear, thinks like Anavar, tbol, Masteron all help you be in a nutrient deficiency and loose zero to little muscle gains, so why would anyone want to cut natural?... it would stand to reason to bulk natural and cut with gear.
When you bulk natural, you intake many meals, with each of these meals your body triggers insulin release, this will protect your gains each time you do this.
I hold the opinion of you want to bulk or cut you can use gear but never cut natural, “you gonna be small”, and loose everything your cycle did for you.

Hello guys

I just started my week 7 on my first ever Test E (500 mg ew), and I am already starting to think about what is going to happen afterwards.

I am going to start my PCT 10 days after the last shot in week 12, and I want to do a cut without gear later on to shed some fat. I know that I won’t be fully recovered immediately when the PCT is done, so an immediate caloric deficit would probably result in losing all gains. After PCT I will still be in moderate caloric surplus to maintain weight. I’ve read a bit on the topic and the general consensus seems to be start a cut two months after PCT. I know that everyone is different, and somebody recovers faster than other. So I was thinking to start to slowly go in a caloric deficit 2-3 months after PCT and still keep protein high. What is your guys’ experience with cutting a couple of months after PCT and shedding fat without losing significant amount of muscle?
I understand your logic and respect your opinion. But I do agree that one shouldn't be cutting naturally.

Given that I have not reached my natural limit yet, I don't see how I shouldn't be able to keep the majority of the new muscle when T levels are back to baseline. One will always lose a little bit muscle and strenght when trying to shred fat naturally, but by keeping protein intake high and lifting heavy you should really be able to minimize muscle lose. The worst thing you can do is to start cutting calories right after a bulk cycle when you are catabolic, but by allowing your body to recover and T levels go get back to normal (most people/research point at 2-3 months after your PCT), you shold be good to go.

But if you have reached your natural limit, it is a completely different story.
You Gained 5 kg at 16% bf, That's not a solid gain, water and fat seem to make a play here. I agree with our members tweaking a good diet, council with 3J he will help you.

I was around +-16% BF when I started, and my BF does not seem to have increased, not something visible at least (maybe + 1-1.5% now). I have gained 7 kg so far, massive strenght gains. Additionally, I take body measurements regularly and my waist measure is still the same. Arms, shoulders, chest are growing based on measurements. I am eating +300-500 over mainteance, getting around 250-270g proteins everyday, so I am pretty sure I have gained some good quality muscle. Don't know how you just concluded that it is all water and fat.
Good point, I assumed he was taking a test E cycle, which would stand to reason he’s using an Ai, at half a gram a week I hope he is, but who knows 0.o
I have a gym bro that loves to do 800mg of test a week, stacked with tren with no Ai at all, he claims the bloating makes him feel bigger, I don’t get it, so weird.

I dont see any mention of an Ai or HCG in your cycle, what else is in your cycle mix?
agreed... thanks for the referral guys!

pct and soon after is very sensitive time..

usually i tell my clients to keep their calories high in pct and the weeks following it.. its a time to maintain what youve gained, not cut..

cut too early and the body hasn't recovered and gotten accustom to what youve gained or "homeostasis" as we call it..

bulk, maintain, then cut..

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