Cutting and getting Big?


New member
Alright well my protein intake for a day is about 300 grams of protein( i take in 1.5 grams of protein per lb) and my sources are mainley beef,Fish,Fiber eggs and milk So is it possible to pack on some muscle mass while getting cut with this? im also on my 2nd day of Beastdrol now so would that also help the SD?
i gained 15 lbs. on helladrol and my body fat dropped 1% and I got WAY more shredded than I was before... Im taking in 475 grams of protein and I do a ton of cardio with my lifting, but is it possible... obviously it is possible... beast is way stronger than helladrol, so you can definitely make it happen... you have to be disciplined and run things properly and you can definitely get big and cut... diet will be a huge part...