Cutting and libido - SARMS?


New member
Hello, I am a 32 y/o 5'4" female (married with 3 kids). My husband and I are looking at taking SARMS but are concerned since there seems to be mixed data. I am looking to cut down about 20lbs (same for him) and hopefully lean up some, and it wouldn't hurt if we could find something that can also increase my libido (his is already fairly high). Neither of us have taken anything stronger than creatine so we're reluctant to try AAS but you know, we're in our low/mid 30s now and are considering that as an option.

I think my husband is pretty strong for an all natty 34 year old - he benches 350, deads 475 and squats (or did) 435. Last year he sustained a knee injury while on the squat rack that set him back; not too long afterwards he sustained a hamstring injury playing paintball with the guys. I've heard that when men hit 30 it is all downhill from there - he is very discouraged and that's one of the reasons he's considering going off-natty. Neither of us have had bloods done in a while due to our lack of insurance. We're doing alright financially but it's not like we have a ton of money floating around with three kids (all under the age of 10) to raise. He just wants to be big and strong so he "can protect his pretty girls". (lol)

My husband says I'm strong for my age. I have not lifted a whole lot but I do enjoy it. My husband and I are both working hard on our diet and we are lifting 6 days per week with a 20-30m cardio session following. We're doing the "shortcut to shred" if anyone has ever heard of that. Anywho - we really just need some direction.

Oh.. My husband did order us some Genotropin (at low dosages) for the youth benefits over the next 6 months. I guess all of that to simply ask, is SARMS really worth it? If so, what should we take and at what dosages? Alternatively we've considered ANAVAR but I don't think my husband wants to mess with AAS unless it's recommended by a trusted source.

Please advise, and thank you.
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Hello, I am a 32 y/o 5'4" female (married with 3 kids). My husband and I are looking at taking SARMS but are concerned since there seems to be mixed data. I am looking to cut down about 20lbs (same for him) and hopefully lean up some, and it wouldn't hurt if we could find something that can also increase my libido (his is already fairly high). Neither of us have taken anything stronger than creatine so we're reluctant to try AAS but you know, we're in our low/mid 30s now and are considering that as an option.

I think my husband is pretty strong for an all natty 34 year old - he benches 350, deads 475 and squats (or did) 435. Last year he sustained a knee injury while on the squat rack that set him back; not too long afterwards he sustained a hamstring injury playing paintball with the guys. I've heard that when men hit 30 it is all downhill from there - he is very discouraged and that's one of the reasons he's considering going off-natty. Neither of us have had bloods done in a while due to our lack of insurance. We're doing alright financially but it's not like we have a ton of money floating around with three kids (all under the age of 10) to raise. He just wants to be big and strong so he "can protect his pretty girls". (lol)

My husband says I'm strong for my age. I have not lifted a whole lot but I do enjoy it. My husband and I are both working hard on our diet and we are lifting 6 days per week with a 20-30m cardio session following. We're doing the "shortcut to shred" if anyone has ever heard of that. Anywho - we really just need some direction.

Oh.. My husband did order us some Genotropin (at low dosages) for the youth benefits over the next 6 months. I guess all of that to simply ask, is SARMS really worth it? If so, what should we take and at what dosages? Alternatively we've considered ANAVAR but I don't think my husband wants to mess with AAS unless it's recommended by a trusted source.

Please advise, and thank you.

Lots of things going on in this thread. First of all, I am glad you are doing your homework first. If you have not read the Sticky threads yet, please start there. Below in my signature line is a link to a FAQs thread that will help you get started.

That thread also covers how to get blood work without going through a doctor. You can both get a comprehensive panel for about $55 each. And you will have the results the next day. I strongly encourage you to both do this before starting anything. See what your Natty baseline looks like. As for you, check your blood work when you are ovulating. This will be your peak. Your husband just needs to go in the first thing in the morning after a good nights sleep -- any day.

Can you tell us more about each of your diets? That is the key to reducing body fat and gaining mucle. What is each of your TDEE's? And what are your macros? How many calories deficit are each of you running?

I have not heard of Shortcut to Shred, but the word shortcut makes me skeptical. :)

As for SARMs, here is my two cents. You are going to get much more benefit out of AAS. And there are a lot more peer reviewed medical studies on AAS out there. Both SARMs and AAS will shut down your HPTA, so it isn't as if one is safer than the other. The main benefit of SARMs is that they are not illegal, but you still have to gert them from a trusted source. You cannot walk down to Walgreen's and buy them. Doctors will not prescribe them; whereas they will prescribe AAS.

What to run:

Men's and women's HPTA's work differently. While a woman can run anavar by itself, men cannot. In men, anavar shuts down the production of testosterone. Men need testosterone to function properly (so do women by the way). Anavar does not replace testosterone. So if a male runs a cycle, testosterone must always be the base of the cycle. As for a first cycle for males, we always recommend that it must be just testosterone so you can learn how your body responds and learn how to manage side effects (see stickies). Males also have to run PCT.

Women are fine with just anavar. It will not shut down a woman's testosterone production. Anavar will increase your libido. Keep in mind that your husband's libido will increase too if he runs a cycle and manages side effects properly.


Make sure you know the risks. While most of the risks men face can be undone, they often are not reversible in women. Make sure you go on the Women's Forum and read the threads to understand Virilization. AAS is both Anabolic and Androgenic in nature. Women need to worry about the Androgenic effects. Anavar is pretty safe (assuming 100% legit -- it is often faked) for women at low doses (2.5-10.0mg daily). But there is always the virilization risk which includes enlarged clitoris, deepening voice, facial hair, hardening jawline, etc. I am not trying to scare you. Other than the enlarged clitoris (which will typically reverse when the anavar stops and many women actually find pleasing while on cycle) most of these risks require very high doses. But you want to watch for them. Getting a scratchy voice (think Demi Moore) is often a first sign that you are taking too much if you are a woman.

Ok. I just threw a lot at you. Try to do some reading and then we can continue our dialogue! :)
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Lots of things going on in this thread. First of all, I am glad you are doing your homework first. If you have not read the Sticky threads yet, please start there. Below in my signature line is a link to a FAQs thread that will help you get started.

That thread also covers how to get blood work without going through a doctor. You can both get a comprehensive panel for about $55 each. And you will have the results the next day. I strongly encourage you to both do this before starting anything. See what your Natty baseline looks like. As for you, check your blood work when you are ovulating. This will be your peak. Your husband just needs to go in the first thing in the morning after a good nights sleep -- any day.

Can you tell us more about each of your diets? That is the key to reducing body fat and gaining mucle. What is each of your TDEE's? And what are your macros? How many calories deficit are each of you running?

I have not heard of Shortcut to Shred, but the word shortcut makes me skeptical. :)

As for SARMs, here is my two cents. You are going to get much more benefit out of AAS. And there are a lot more peer reviewed medical studies on AAS out there. Both SARMs and AAS will shut down your HPTA, so it isn't as if one is safer than the other. The main benefit of SARMs is that they are not illegal, but you still have to gert them from a trusted source. You cannot walk down to Walgreen's and buy them. Doctors will not prescribe them; whereas they will prescribe AAS.

What to run:

Men's and women's HPTA's work differently. While a woman can run anavar by itself, men cannot. In men, anavar shuts down the production of testosterone. Men need testosterone to function properly (so do women by the way). Anavar does not replace testosterone. So if a male runs a cycle, testosterone must always be the base of the cycle. As for a first cycle for males, we always recommend that it must be just testosterone so you can learn how your body responds and learn how to manage side effects (see stickies). Males also have to run PCT.

Women are fine with just anavar. It will not shut down a woman's testosterone production. Anavar will increase your libido. Keep in mind that your husband's libido will increase too if he runs a cycle and manages side effects properly.


Make sure you know the risks. While most of the risks men face can be undone, they often are not reversible in women. Make sure you go on the Women's Forum and read the threads to understand Virilization. AAS is both Anabolic and Androgenic in nature. Women need to worry about the Androgenic effects. Anavar is pretty safe (assuming 100% legit -- it is often faked) for women at low doses (2.5-10.0mg daily). But there is always the virilization risk which includes enlarged clitoris, deepening voice, facial hair, hardening jawline, etc. I am not trying to scare you. Other than the enlarged clitoris (which will typically reverse when the anavar stops and many women actually find pleasing while on cycle) most of these risks require very high doses. But you want to watch for them. Getting a scratchy voice (think Demi Moore) is often a first sign that you are taking too much if you are a woman.

Ok. I just threw a lot at you. Try to do some reading and then we can continue our dialogue! :)

Wonderful, wonderful, thank you so much! I am going to carefully go through everything and write you back. Thank you!
Can you tell us more about each of your diets?
Our diet consists primarily of foods such as egg whites, whole eggs, baked turkey, tuna, chicken, quinoa/brown rice, green beans, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, carrots, bananas and apples. We occasionally will indulge in a little cheese or almond milk or perhaps a Quest Protein bar.

What is each of your TDEE's?
The calculator I found online said that his is around 3365 and mine is 2277.

And what are your macros?
While he's a bit better at his macros (I'm getting there l), our target for cutting is 50% proteins, 30% fats, 20% carbs.

How many calories deficit are each of you running?
My target cals are 1300-1400 and his are 1700.

You can both get a comprehensive panel for about $55 each.
We're going to take your advice here - I will read more on how much this will cost.

Our plan for the moment, is to a)get our bloods done. b)start .5 and 1.0 IU of GH (mine and his) c)get all of our ducks in a row for AAS. (source, bloods, cycle, diet, etc)

Can you tell us more about each of your diets?
Our diet consists primarily of foods such as egg whites, whole eggs, baked turkey, tuna, chicken, quinoa/brown rice, green beans, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, carrots, bananas and apples. We occasionally will indulge in a little cheese or almond milk or perhaps a Quest Protein bar.

What is each of your TDEE's?
The calculator I found online said that his is around 3365 and mine is 2277.

And what are your macros?
While he's a bit better at his macros (I'm getting there l), our target for cutting is 50% proteins, 30% fats, 20% carbs.

How many calories deficit are each of you running?
My target cals are 1300-1400 and his are 1700.

You can both get a comprehensive panel for about $55 each.
We're going to take your advice here - I will read more on how much this will cost.

Our plan for the moment, is to a)get our bloods done. b)start .5 and 1.0 IU of GH (mine and his) c)get all of our ducks in a row for AAS. (source, bloods, cycle, diet, etc)


My girlfriends diet sounds alot like this, you have alot of good fiber in there with the veggies thats lovely, I help her out by putting bowls of varieties of nuts/fruits around the house and always keep her water bottles full so she can sip on them whenever she sees them. ( I do love spoiling her :) This high fiber diet works great for her and keeps her BFI low and looking good. She also drinks alot of organic milk and eats organic butter from the Farmers market and said in confidence to me that her bowel movements had never been better, which is great for the colon, because we all know that a clean and happy colon is one that will last you a lifetime. Be careful with those protein bars because they will spike your blood regardless of what "sugar" they say they sweeten it with but then again the fiber content of those is good so go figure. Keep us updated on your progress and good luck!
Can you tell us more about each of your diets?
Our diet consists primarily of foods such as egg whites, whole eggs, baked turkey, tuna, chicken, quinoa/brown rice, green beans, broccoli, spinach, lettuce, carrots, bananas and apples. We occasionally will indulge in a little cheese or almond milk or perhaps a Quest Protein bar.

What is each of your TDEE's?
The calculator I found online said that his is around 3365 and mine is 2277.

And what are your macros?
While he's a bit better at his macros (I'm getting there l), our target for cutting is 50% proteins, 30% fats, 20% carbs.

How many calories deficit are each of you running?
My target cals are 1300-1400 and his are 1700.

You can both get a comprehensive panel for about $55 each.
We're going to take your advice here - I will read more on how much this will cost.

Our plan for the moment, is to a)get our bloods done. b)start .5 and 1.0 IU of GH (mine and his) c)get all of our ducks in a row for AAS. (source, bloods, cycle, diet, etc)


That is a big caloric deficit! It will be really hard to train while doing that - trust me I know. And your thyroids are going to slow down dramatically negating the effects of the deficit. You might want to consider just 500 calorie deficit to start with. Running AAS changes this conversation though so the above is for a Natty person.

What will your macros be on the caloric deficit? Will you be getting enough protein? It is recommended that you get one gram of protein for every pound of body weight to help minimize muscle loss - especially when Natty. I am not a diet expert though so you may want to seek an expert's help. Especially one who has experience with AAS. PM me if you need help finding one but ideally you would work with someone local that can see how you are progressing. Just know that there are a bunch of shitty ones out there just like there are a bunch of shitty Personal Trainers. Really make sure you interview them well.
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Steroidology is the place to come for good advice from some of the best Vets in this field and sport.

I thank this forum for all of what they do and feel fortunate to be a part and Sometimes be able to share some good experience. :wavey:
Any opinion on GW501516 during our "natty" phase for energy/stamina prior to GH/AAS? After all I've read from various forums across the net I already trust you guys the most lol.
Any opinion on GW501516 during our "natty" phase for energy/stamina prior to GH/AAS? After all I've read from various forums across the net I already trust you guys the most lol.

I have heard some guys say they like it, but I personally probably wouldn't spend money on it. There doesn't seem to be too much actual evidence that it does much in humans. I would ignore studies done on rats. That's my two cents.