Cutting cycle diet, some critique ?


New member
Im on my first cutting cycle and wanted to know what you guys think about it.
Please excuse my english.
Im about 6 feet tall (183 cm) and 220 pounds.. I don't know my BF but would guess about 17-19%

I do 30 min cardio 6 days a week, and a 90-120 min hiking EOD.
The days i don't hike i do some weight lifting, 12-15 reps.
Also im a fisherman and the days im working i use alot of energy.
Also i go for a swim from time to time, maybe 2-3 times this week and not the next week..

So my diet isn't very holy but it goes something like this:

Meal 1: 1/2 cup outmeal and liver sausage (an icelandic thing made with sheep liver, oats, sheep fat, sheep kidneys and rye)
Meal 2: 1 scoop protein, crispbread with cottage cheese.
Meal 3: 1 chicken breast or 200 gr red meat, 1 cup sweet potatoes and carrots, handfill of spinach and tomatoes.
Meal 4: protein shake with skyr (a kind of an iceland jogurt made from skinned milk, high in protein), berries and frozen fruit.
Meal 5: Usually fish, brown rice and some veggies.

Meal 3 and 5 can switch places from day to day.. I drink alot of coffee and green tea. Sometimes i eat peanut butter instead of the cottage cheese, and throw in a banana here and there if im hungry.

My cycle goes like this:
100mg Testosterone prop EOD weeks 1-12
50 anavar ED weeks 1-10
50 winstol ED weeks 1-10

Im 8 days into this cycle and already i've gained 5 pounds and noticed alot of fatloss..

My body is the larger type, my shoulders and hips are wide and my thighs are bigger than the rest of the body..

So what do you think of this ? Is there something that im missing or could loose ?

This is my first post, hope im doing this right.
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