Cutting cycle


New member
I am currently taking Test. Enan.. I am 6'1 200 lbs. Id say Im about 25% body fat... I have some trouble areas, boobs need to slim down, "love handles" and some upper back fat... I currently am using this diet... and need to know if its good... if not hit me up with a better diet

7:30- 2 egg's, 25g protein shake
9:30- Protein/ Carb. bar
12:00- 3 cheesburgers from college lunchroom
3:30- Ramen noodles, 25g protein shake
7:00- Fish (catfish, tuna, tlapia or however u spell it)
9:30- 50 g protein shake

Is this enough cals, protein, carbs to be getting a rock hard physique.. or not??? what should a better diet to give me a rock hard physique look like??
wow, 6 foot 1 with 150lbs of lean body mass and using steroids. Thats a shitty diet also.

Heres what you do:

1- drop the steroids
2- fix your diet by eating 5-6 meals a day, each one high in protein and complex carbs
3- report back in 6 months with progress.
theincredible1 said:
I am currently taking Test. Enan.. I am 6'1 200 lbs. Id say Im about 25% body fat... I have some trouble areas, boobs need to slim down, "love handles" and some upper back fat... I currently am using this diet... and need to know if its good... if not hit me up with a better diet

7:30- 2 egg's, 25g protein shake
9:30- Protein/ Carb. bar
12:00- 3 cheesburgers from college lunchroom
3:30- Ramen noodles, 25g protein shake
7:00- Fish (catfish, tuna, tlapia or however u spell it)
9:30- 50 g protein shake

Is this enough cals, protein, carbs to be getting a rock hard physique.. or not??? what should a better diet to give me a rock hard physique look like??

Seriously bro, are you joking?? ..with this diet! This is the type of diet I pull people off of.. dead serious here! Here is what I tell the people I train who have no clue how to put together a diet... buy the South Beach Diet book. It will give you a map/blue print of what you need to do.
For starters, scratch the protein shakes. You do not need them at this stage! Maybe one a day, if that. You need whole food!! Your protein should be lean meat and you're carbs should be veggies or whole grain/non processed (no sugars!). A typical breakfast could be an egg while omlett, 1 cup oatmeal, and a slice of canadian or turkey bacon. Limit your carbs throughout the day and I'd eliminate them at dinner. a good dinner would be 10-12 ounce boneless/skinless chicken breast, steamed broccolli, and small salad with light dressing.
hmm.. Id hate to drop the steroids as Im using them for college athletics and figured it would be a good time to use them while I'm redshirt and a very undersized Linebacker.. but if thats the best thing to do I guess It is what I will do.... JayC, if you could would you give me an example of a daily diet for me such as how i posted, except make it what you would suggest for me.. seems to me like you know how to make a diet for people.. thanks if you will do that!!!
theincredible1 said:
hmm.. Id hate to drop the steroids as Im using them for college athletics and figured it would be a good time to use them while I'm redshirt and a very undersized Linebacker.. but if thats the best thing to do I guess It is what I will do.... JayC, if you could would you give me an example of a daily diet for me such as how i posted, except make it what you would suggest for me.. seems to me like you know how to make a diet for people.. thanks if you will do that!!!

AAAHAA! See, these are things we need to know bro! Yes, now I can see your dilema and motivation/goals, etc. Also, that would definetly change how I would approach your diet.
I'd be more then happy to help you come up with a diet tailored to your situation. Private message (PM) me with your current cycle, your basic training routine and what your practices and routines look like through the schools program (football). and any other stats you haven't mentioned that might make a difference. Then I can message you back with a starter diet for inseason or even later for off season. I take it you are inseason right now? ..oh, also what you have access to?? Like a kitchen or just dorm food and microwave, etc.. That can make a huge difference for college kids.
damn brother, that diet an't to great and explains a little of 25% bf.