cutting diet?? for body fat... help"


New member
here it is guys,, i am trying to lose body fat and have cum up with this diet,
i am hopless at losing weight and just want to know if you think i am on the right track or should move things around or add things??

7am: 50g porridge oats with one scoop of pro peptide mixed with water

10am: chicken breast with a banana

12-1pm: chicken breast baked potato + greens

3pm: tin tuna + banana

5pm: chicken breast, baked potato, greens fruit

7pm: protien shake omlett= 6 egg whites but only 2 yorks

9-10: propeptide shake

well what do you think guys ???
anyone got any ideas if am on the right track or need to add more or shuffle things round
You have a lot of carbs in there. What are your stats?

And are you trying to just lose weight, or trying to cut?