Cutting diet - Please critique


New member
Stats - 74 kgs at 5'10'' with 16-17% bodyfat aiming to cut to 10%

I tried keto for 3 weeks, got results but had to drop it mid-way due to gastric problems. As a vegetarian, I didn't have many choices for foods w/ protein and no carbs..So, I have tried making a cutting diet including carbs and request the pro's to critique and advise..

Please note the following points:
1. For certain food products, I have just guesstimated the numbers
2. "Gouda Cheese" is a bad choice because of the fat to protein ratio and high sodium but I had bought this in bulk so thinking of using it a little in the diet to get rid of the stock
3. Some of the values have been left blank where I had no idea of the numbers
4. What should be the maximum sodium intake (in mg) to prevent water retention?
5. I have tried listing the products that I can eat, source and fit into my work schedule
6. I have included some fiber at night and have tried keeping the carbs during the day time
7. I will take the multi-vitamins to support it
8. I think I am at 16-17% and the goal is to cut to 10% for which I might use Intermittent Fasting later on..
9. I am cutting 600-700 calories below maintenance
10. I have calculated the protein obtained only from dairy sources
11. Macro ratio is 32% 42% 21% (P,C, F , resp.)

8:00 AM
P C F Cal Na (mg) Sugar Saturated Fat

1 scoop ON Whey - 24 3 1 120 130 1 1
2 Cashew nuts 1 1 1 16 2 1 1
2 Peanuts 2 2 4 4 1 2 3
2 Walnuts 1 1 5 52 0 0 0
1/2 tbsp flax 1 2 2 28 2 0 0
2 capsule flax 0 0 1 9 0 0 0
sub totals 24 8 14 229 134 4 4

9:00 AM

Beans (1/3 cup ckd) 5.1 13.5 0.3 75
0% fat milk (2 cup) 16 26 4 204 0 26 4
Oats/ Muesli 1 pkt 8 34 3 190 0 1 0.5
Yoghurt (fat free) 200 gm 18 8 0 108 76 8 0
Sub totals 34 82 7 577 76 35 5

12:30 PM
2 slices of Gouda Cheese 9.6 0.4 11.6 143.6 760 0 8
Low fat Cottage Cheese 120 gm 15 6 2.5 110 420 6 1.5
1 slices of wholewheat bread 3.6 12 0 69 112 1 0
Cooked Vegetable 1 cup 50 200
Subtotals 24.6 68.4 14.1 522.6 1292 7 9.5

3:00 PM

1 scoop ON Whey 24 3 1 120 130 1 1
Subtotals 24 3 1 120 130 1 1

5:45 PM

1 slices of wholewheat bread 3.6 12 0 69 112 1 0
1 tbsp peanut butter 4 3 8 94 2.5 1.5 1.65
subtotals 0 15 8 163 114.5 2.5 1.65

7:00 PM

1 scoop ON Whey 24 3 1 120 130 1 1
subtotals 24 3 1 120 130 1 1

10:00 PM

1 scoop ON Whey 24 3 1 120 130 1 1
Vegetable Salad 0 25 0 100 0 0 0
(tomato, radish, carrot,
lettuce, sprouts)
Low fat Cottage Cheese 6.25 2.5 1.04 45.8 175 2.5 0.62
50 gm

subtotals 30 31 2 266 305 4 1

Totals 161 209 47 1997 2182 54 22
Lots of protein shakes IMO , but as u said being a vegetarian will limit your menu.
Check user juiced porkchop , he is a vegetarian as I remember and might add few items to your list.
Lots of protein shakes IMO , but as u said being a vegetarian will limit your menu.
Check user juiced porkchop , he is a vegetarian as I remember and might add few items to your list.

Thanks Rida5d.. Yes, my protein sources are limited but I hope I shall make good progress with it ..:)
I for one am 100% for proteins drinks IF the rest of your diet is on point.
I usually rec taking your protein drinks with food or near a meal so absorption is slowed a bit (cept after workout, i rec just shake with a bit of carbs when for mass)

I like that you have everything worked out, but i feel like you are puitting too much thought into it (yes i just said that lol) i just follow basics as i dont care for having a checklist and scale for be diet every day, thats not a life id want to live, too ocd for me.
I follow some basics.

Some tips:
*For fatloss I rec you research "carb cycling for fatloss" its something i highly rec. I would rec for eg, mon/tues/wed- low carb days, thur/frr(maybe sat)- med carb days, sat/sun HIGH carb days *cheat days* and repeat.
*Drop your normal cals by 400-800cals for your total cals of day, from your normal amount. (highly rec not droping cals too low, not more then 1000)
*avoid simple carbs like pop or candy ect.
*avoid excessive carbs late in evening, near bed
*have a general high protein high-med fat, med carb diet.
*eat lots of nuts, yes they highe rin cals, but also make you feel fuller longer.
*drink 4-6 cups of green tea a day, lots of benefits AND it tends to dull hunger a bit.
* I dont eat eggs, so cant comment on that. to be its eating the abortion of a chicken... just cant do it lol
*look at getting maybe a blended protein, whey40%, rice 55%, soy 5% or something along those lines, what i do, i try to have a blend of protein, specially since 80% of my protein is from shake.
*SNACK! snack on healthy fats and something with protein, say a handfull of nuts and a scoop of protein, maybe 3x a day between meals, you will tend to eat less at meal time AND be in a better mood overall, (atleast i know i am hahaha)
*eay ALOT of veggies! lots of fiber, and research these "calorie dense foods" and "foods low in calories) the dense ones are good for bulking when gettign in extra cals might be hard, the low cal food is good for cutting, eg: cauliflower is a good one. boil some up, then in a bowl toss it in, add a sprinkle of sea salt and a small amount of butter (small amount!) and mash it up.. you now have mashed potatos thats low in cals/carbs ;-) have that with your veggie chicken breast and steamed redpepper n asparagus ;-)

Feel free to pm me to run ideas by me, if i can help, ill try! :)
"4. What should be the maximum sodium intake (in mg) to prevent water retention?"

depends person to person. drink plenty of water, and know bloat is not fat anyway , you are still losing fat if rest is ok, so if you have a bad day or two with lots of salt, its just water and will go away. keep up on drinking lots of water, and try not to add salt to anything and try keep sodium reasonable, cant really give you a number. some bloat on a little, some eat more.