Cutting - How do I look so far?


New member
Current stats:
27 Years Old
5' 5"
127 lbs
13-15% Body Fat

I have been cutting for the last 4 months. I see my weight gradually dropping but I was expecting a more defined abdominal but it still looks bloated.

Based on my pictures, do I need to continue cutting to shed the fat or do more ab workout to get the muscles to pop out more?

Heres my workout (1 Hour):
Monday: Chest, Tri
Tuesday: Treadmill
Wednesday: Back, Bi
Thursday: Treadmill
Friday: Shoulder, Abs
Saturday: Legs

Heres my meal:
8:00 am: 1/2 oatmeal and 1 1/2 eggs
10:30 am: 1 1/2 eggs
11:30 am: V8 and fruits
12:00 pm: Workout
1:00 pm: Gemma protein shake
2:00 pm: 1/2 oatmeal and chicken breast or some meat
4:00 pm: chicken breast or some meat
6:00 pm: 1 oatmeal and chicken breast or some meat
8:00 pm: Gemma protein shake

Any tips to improve my workout and meal is appreciated.


First picture: I am posing straight on, relaxed
Second picture: I am posing with slight profile
Third picture: I am posing with abs flexed
Just a question.. Why are you cutting? I would think you need to bulk
up some. You are already cut enough imo. Your abs already there.

I think you would look a lot better if you bulk up.
Good work though
Yeah man you don't need to be cutting. Try and learn more about BB/heavy training and I think you'll realize what your doing is stupid. Holy shit Miami I thought you were dead bro!
I always thought that I should cut first, to get the ripped 6 pack abs, before bulking. I only see my packs when I flex, does that count?

So what is the stopping point?
The stopping point is when you weigh as much as tiny, petite chick. I'm not trying to be a dick bro, I'd just really like to see you learn more about bulking/heavy training or 5x5 routines or something of the like. Did you really think you'd keep the 6 pack once you started bulking lol?
I got my focus on cutting and not seeing the bigger picture. I had always assumed that since I am short and small that my lower weight is normal for cutting.

Thanks guys, for all your inputs. I will hit the store this weekend to set up my diet and adjust my workout later.
Yeah man you don't need to be cutting. Try and learn more about BB/heavy training and I think you'll realize what your doing is stupid. Holy shit Miami I thought you were dead bro!

lol nahh just took a BIG break from the gym and lived life (eating anything and drinking every week) for about 6 months :)

But as for you, if you cut now and then bulk, your abs will disappear due to the excessive weight you put on. If you're lucky and your body allows it, then you might
be able to keep your abs throughout. The right way to do it, is to bulk up, THEN cut down.
I got my focus on cutting and not seeing the bigger picture. I had always assumed that since I am short and small that my lower weight is normal for cutting.

Thanks guys, for all your inputs. I will hit the store this weekend to set up my diet and adjust my workout later.

Way to stay positive. Not many people can take criticism the right way. Your on the right track.