cutting short


New member
Should you keep running the cycle your on while your waiting to get your Nolvadex or should you stop right away if you feel the slight lump?
You didn't have your nolva on hand before you started your cycle? You should have it befor you start. Run nolva 40mg/ed for 5 days then 20mg/ed for the ramainder of your cycle.
Never, never start a cycle without it !!

But since you have, it depends on what type of gear you are talking about. Real short esters or orals I would stop, but long esters, it's probably not going to make a difference, providing you can get it within a couple days.

Good luck and hope you never need this site;
I agree with StoneCold, But I have one question to add. Do you have Clomid and\or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) on hand ?

If you are running a short ester like prop and you stop suddenly AND don't have Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) or clomid, you will crash big time in less than a week.