cutting weight, confused


Ultimate Douche
I weigh 228, 6'2 and im trying to cut down to 207. I have cut carbohydrates out, I have been eating 16 cans of tuna a day ruffle 324 grams. Its been 2 weeks on the tuna diet, and feeling light headed everyday I guess because of no carbs. I would love some help to improve this diet
Thats a retarded amount of tuna. What's with no carbs? You doing that keto diet? I would eat carbs before and after working out.
Veggies brother!!!!!!!!!!!!!! need fatts also.Dont kill yourself. If your going to extreme just roll with Tuna one day,red meat the next, chicken,all with large amounts of veggies.Or mix it up with all the meats daily.
Holy fuck, crazy amount of mercury your putting into your system.

day 1- chicken (All day)
day 2- beef (All day)
day 3- fish (All day)
repeat cycle,eat veggies til you drop... you just shit them out anyway

a nutritionist i banged told me when you eat like this your digestive properties stay confused of some shit.... hey it works for me, but im no professional.
you'll be fuckin fat bitches in time
^^^^^^^^. Agreed works wonders for me also ,keep muscle,digest food alot better ,good energy, keep strength,burn fat.