cycle advice, how best to use what I have- test prop, eq and anavar

blue collar

New member
So basically I have everything I want to build my 2nd cycle with and have a plan , but am wondering what more knowledgeable , experienced individuals would do.
What I have-
8000 mg test prop 100mg/ml
8000 mg eq undecylenate 200mg/ml
5360 mg ugl anavar 10mg each
15000 iu hcg
75 50mg clomid
100 20 mg nolva
30 1mg arimidex
Cycle history (one and only cycle)
-week 1-12 test prop 525mg(150 eod)
week 3-12 anavar 50ed
week 2-12 hcg 250 tiwce a week and 2 350iu in the 4 days after last pin before pct
week 1-12.5 arimidex .5 eod
week 10-18 Igf-1 lr3 33mcg 5 days a week(after gym)only noticeable affect hypoglycemic attack if i waited too long to eat (recombinant supposedly)
pct- clomid 100/50/50/50
nolva 40/20/20/20
I recovered very quickly, testicles hardened up and full size a week after last pin , lost sex drive but not function week 2 and 3 after last pin then 110%
Diet- 8am 4 egg 4 bacon w/cheese breakfast burrito and 625 calorie weight gainer shake
noon -Subway tuna 1000 calories
2:00pm- 1250 calorie weight gainer 50g protein 252 carb
6pm 1bl chicken 1.5 cups white rice half bag veggies stir fry sauce approx 13-1500 calories
10pm 1250 calorie weight gainer

1st cycle results 6 months after kept 12lbs of the 15 i gained on cycle
stats - 6'2" 202lbs 11% bf hard gainer 34yrs old

I chose prop because i dont mind pinning eod and i retained no water on cycle except when i forgot my ai twice and my hands and ankles swole after several vodka drinks. I cant afford to get moon face because I'll get fired. same reason i chose eq slow steady keepable gains, low sides and joint lube aslo hoping some pip relief by mixing in pin with prop. i cant gain 40lbs and lose 20 after without risking my job.I realize i may get flamed for the longest and shortest ester but i dont care. not posting pics because of identifying marks
Goal- keep 10-15lbs lean mass
I didn't have any blood work done if that's what you're asking. As far as sides the only issue i really had was when i tried to raise the test to 650 i got cystic acne (maybe about 10) that stuck with me the last 3 weeks of my cycle even though i lowered back to 525 test a week. thats why i decided to incorporate eq instead of just raising the test for my second cycle.

So here's what i'm thinking

week 1-16 test prop 500mg week 1.4ml eod

week 1 EQ front load 1280 mg 320 eod I charted this on a halflife calculator and it looked pretty good to a noob like me??????opinions /input please

week 2-13 EQ 580 a week 160 eod

week 1-16 +4 days hcg 300 iu twice a week

pct last pin +4 days
clomid 100/50/50/50 longer if not 100%
nolva 40/20/20/20 longer if needed

and now the wild card spot

Anavar- I'm really not sure and would definitely like some input on this i have a lot of var and a strong liver lol

I'm thinking
week 6-16 Anavar 60 or 70mg ed and save the rest for my 3rd cycle

So my main q's are about the front load ,when charted the levels never top out even with the front load they are still rising to the last day and without the front load much lower levels throughout and I'm not ready for a 20 week cycle

As mentioned above I'm also interested in opinions on anavar - what is the ideal dosage and duration, $$ is of no consequence in this as i already own it

And of course a critique of everything you feel can be improved upon. My 1000 hours of reading forums is no substitute for first hand experience which is why Im here.
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i Know i dont need to pin the bold (eq) eod but i have to do the prop eod anyway and it eliminates the pip from the prop with the added advantage of very stable blood levels
Your first cycle looks like it was well designed and thought out. PCT worked well and you kept 3/4 of your gains.

This second one seems a bit wonky to me. Boldenone has a ridiculously long half life, yet you want to start PCT +4 days after last pin? In the profiles they say boldenone is one of the more mild drugs regarding shutdown of your natural test, but I have my doubts your PCT would work well with very large amounts of boldenone still in your blood. And make no mistake at that dosage it will be in your blood at suppressive doses for about five weeks.
Your first cycle looks like it was well designed and thought out. PCT worked well and you kept 3/4 of your gains.

This second one seems a bit wonky to me. Boldenone has a ridiculously long half life, yet you want to start PCT +4 days after last pin? In the profiles they say boldenone is one of the more mild drugs regarding shutdown of your natural test, but I have my doubts your PCT would work well with very large amounts of boldenone still in your blood. And make no mistake at that dosage it will be in your blood at suppressive doses for about five weeks.

actually I'm starting pct 3 weeks and 4 days after the boldenone , I;m running the prop 3 weeks longer while i wait out the half life. I would have preferred to just run higher test but when i raised test during my first cycle I ended up with cyctic acne. For my second cycle i wanted to raise the bar a bit without getting into deca , tren or anything else in the nandrolone family though i seriously considered npp. I chose eq because it is mild and with my job unfortunately i cant afford to gain 30 lbs overnight(mormon boss)
Oh, sorry I missed you are dropping the boldenone 3 weeks before test. I looked at blood levels with your dosage, and it drops to roughly natural levels in 5 weeks after stopping. So if you wait 3 weeks + 4 days you would be supraphysiological for the first 2 weeks of PCT, then drop to about half natural over the next 2 weeks (1 half life).

If you can, it might be good to run the test prop two more weeks, then start your PCT at +4 days after that. That should have most of the boldenone out of you, and give you the best chance at recovery.

You also had a question about the front loading, with 320 mg EOD for the first week. As you saw on the blood level calcs this helps a lot, but still doesn't get you up on steady state as fast as you'd like. If you can, then make shot #1 3x usual dose (3 x 290 = 870 mg, #2 double 2 x 290 = 580 mg, #3 double again, then #4 onward regular 290 2x / wk). This gets into pretty high ml's, but will get you up on curve much faster.
Thank you for taking the time to read my post and giving me intelligent insight. I will in fact take your advice and run the prop longer I had been considering this because of the " ridiculously long half life" ,as you put it,and looking at the half life calculator i couldn't agree more.

I have actually started this cycle now and front loaded exactly as posted. Because this was my fisrt time both with eq and front loading I was mildly concerned about potential sides so i opted for a less aggressive front load, I have experienced zero sides and may throw in a few more of the higher dose pins to further improve the arc of my blood levels.