Cycle Advice/Questions - Estrogen Blockers?


New member
First Cycle Advice Questions

Just looking for advice for my first cycle. I am 25, 5'7, 175lb, 10% body fat.

I am mainly put this together off Blackstone Lab products. If something else is recommended I will do the research into them also before I commit to anything. I have questions mainly for a safe and effective Pct and when the estrogen blocker would be most effective. Thanks!

Weeks 1-4:
SDmz 2.0
Gear Support by BSL "Cycle Support"

Weeks 5-8:
Gear Support by BSL
SNS Reduce XT

Weeks 9-11:
Eradicate by BSL "Estrogen Blocker"
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Hold on to running that cycle your only going to end up keeping the side effects from it. I'm running a test prop kick to a 14 week test e cycle I have a bottle of super dmz 3 I'm going to run when prop is all gone. I have aromasin as an ai (estrogen blocker) for entire cycle. I can't tell you from experience that the cycle your going to run will make you feel like shit and gains are going to go as fast as you got them. If your going to run it without test base Goodluck. For pct get Nolvadex bare minimum for estrogen control run the eradicate through out your cycle if your not running test base to free up as much natty test as possible before your shutdown which will be in about a week or two. Not worth it to run by itself but as an addition to a test based cycle. Live and learn for yourself or take advice from a fool who's already made the mistake himself.