Cycle and diet not working. Please help me out.


New member
Hello there everyone. This is my first post and need some help.

I'm 25 and have started my first ever cycle 4 weeks ago of dbol (weeks 1-4 only) and 12 weeks of test and anavar from weeks 5-12. Of course been on arimidex and also been taking N2 guard and have everything ready for PCT as well.

I'm trying to lose fat and weight and not gain. Not looking to be huge just wanna get rid of fat as crossfit 6 days a week and paleo couldn't for 2 years and 2 years of lifting haven't either.

I diet (deficit) 6.5 days a week (I cheat one meal a week). I work out 6 days a week. Do LISS cardio 2-3 times a week. My first few days of cycle my testicles were in pain yet I believe products might not be real or something cuz of following:

1. I have been gaining weight since cycle started. No losses. Yes I do look leaner but numbers don't lie.
2. I can't lift heavier weights. I don't have more strength. I kinda feel like I do but then again I'm not upping my weights as I simply can't.
3. Body doesn't look any better than it would with normal 4 weeks of diet and work. Seen 4 week progress photos of other individuals and they look jacked and I looked crapped.

What the hell is going on and why does everything I do not give me the results I want. No matter how much I work or how clean I eat, there's just no way to get abs or lean whatsoever.

Pretty frustrated.

Thanks in advance
Hi! Your only 4 weeks into your cycle, dont feel bad that you dont look any bigger yet or that others look all beefed up after 4 weeks into a cycle. alot of things play into this;genetics, defined workout structure, proper diet etc.
please be sure to detail your data in this as well accordingly so better solid advice can come your way. Please share your full stats as well, you stated your age but we need weight, height, bf%. Cheers and good luck!