First post for cycle help be easy if I miss a step.
Stats 6 ft
231.2 lbs
18.2 %bf
Age 27
Lifting stats:
Bench 325
Squat 455
Dead 405
3000-3500 call daily intake 6 feedings
Fats are in check
Carbs are minimal other than my vegetable intake
Protein is 1.5:1 give or take a few
Alcohol is negligible minus a glass or red wine with the wife maybe 3 times monthly
Previous cycle test e only 12 weeks.
So first off I'll explain a few things . I know I'm not at the magic number bf for some of you but my goals are for PL stats not show stats. No gyno no adverse effects no sides other than oily skin (no acne no gyno)
I am currently on week three of my second test e cycle and I just got my hands on some tren ace . Enough to run 8 weeks. Since I'm feeling the test e going active I was thinking about incorporating the tren into my system with the ability to abort with the short Ester and complete my test e cycle if needed (sides, irritability etcetc)
Proposed continuance.
1-4 test e @ 500 MG pinned Tues and Fri .
Weeks 5-12 tren ace at 350 ew pinned ed at .5 cc. Test e pinned 250 ew Tues and Friday at .5 cc a pin
Adex .25 eod throughout has kept any signs of tenderness to non existent .
Pct is nolva 40/40/20/20
Here is where I'm slacking with the thought...
Ramping with tren as first introduction I have prami on hand and am at a loss with the administration and synergy with the Adex ai vs pram prolactin ... compatible? Combatative?
And the second part is with the pct... is the need for clo important here or should I just get hcg and run ON cycle? Hcg isn't readily avail at the moment but what other thoughts or solutions do you vets have ?
If I'm missing anything feel free to ask. Thanks in advance.
Stats 6 ft
231.2 lbs
18.2 %bf
Age 27
Lifting stats:
Bench 325
Squat 455
Dead 405
3000-3500 call daily intake 6 feedings
Fats are in check
Carbs are minimal other than my vegetable intake
Protein is 1.5:1 give or take a few
Alcohol is negligible minus a glass or red wine with the wife maybe 3 times monthly
Previous cycle test e only 12 weeks.
So first off I'll explain a few things . I know I'm not at the magic number bf for some of you but my goals are for PL stats not show stats. No gyno no adverse effects no sides other than oily skin (no acne no gyno)
I am currently on week three of my second test e cycle and I just got my hands on some tren ace . Enough to run 8 weeks. Since I'm feeling the test e going active I was thinking about incorporating the tren into my system with the ability to abort with the short Ester and complete my test e cycle if needed (sides, irritability etcetc)
Proposed continuance.
1-4 test e @ 500 MG pinned Tues and Fri .
Weeks 5-12 tren ace at 350 ew pinned ed at .5 cc. Test e pinned 250 ew Tues and Friday at .5 cc a pin
Adex .25 eod throughout has kept any signs of tenderness to non existent .
Pct is nolva 40/40/20/20
Here is where I'm slacking with the thought...
Ramping with tren as first introduction I have prami on hand and am at a loss with the administration and synergy with the Adex ai vs pram prolactin ... compatible? Combatative?
And the second part is with the pct... is the need for clo important here or should I just get hcg and run ON cycle? Hcg isn't readily avail at the moment but what other thoughts or solutions do you vets have ?
If I'm missing anything feel free to ask. Thanks in advance.