Cycle dosage and other advice


New member
hi lads,

after some good advice from some of you im ready to roll.My cycle will be:

32 years old
13 stone 6
BF 15%

Tren Ace (100mg/1ml bottle)
test prop (100mg/1ml bottle)
Aromasin - taking ED
Milk Thistle - ED
Glucosimine - ED
Vitamins - ED

PCT to finish up and i have to hand clomid,Tamoxifen Citrate,milk thistle etc

Im planning on a 10 week cycle, a friend said to do 75mg tren and 100mg test EOD, would people who are experienced with this stack agree this is a good dosage, baring in mind im a beginner with this stack. Im open to any advice and suggestions.

WHEN IS THE BEST TIME OF DAY TO TAKE THE STACK, i was going to start before training and see how i react to it.

Also what cycle should i do the HCG please? my mates are on sust and deca and their HCG cycle would be different to mine im assuming so any help on this would be appreciated.

If theres anything else you would advise to take during the cycle like milk thistle etc please let me know.

Ill be starting this cycle tomoz - let the growing get growing!!!!!
Your not training? Why would your hcg protocol be different? Is this your first cycle? U got a dopamine antagonist?
Your not training? Why would your hcg protocol be different? Is this your first cycle? U got a dopamine antagonist?

i have not run this cycle before, i started lastnight with 75mg tren a / 100mg test p.

yes im training, ive been training for along time and ive bulked up ready for this tren/test cycle (12 stone 11 upto 13 stone 6 now)

Ill be taking aromasin (dopamine antagonist) every day along with milk thistle,glucosamine,vitamins.

HCG - Ive been advised different cycles for HCG, hence why im asking for peoples advice on this forum to see which is going to be best????

Im going to buy some NAC right now, appreciate that advise, ill drop the milk thistle for NAC.
Aromasin is not a dopamine antagonist. It's an ai. U also should get a dopamine antagonist as well. Have u done any research?
Aromasin is not a dopamine antagonist. It's an ai. U also should get a dopamine antagonist as well. Have u done any research?

yes myself and mate have done alot of research, also got advice on here in threads ive done. Not once has a single person mentioned dopamine antagonist with my cycle and after reading through many threads about the same cycle as myself ive not seen many even mention this.
alot of people have posted their cycle which is same as mine inc aromasin,hcg,b6,NAC,tren ace and test prop.
ive a very experienced friend who has done all these cycles for many years and he said the following is very good cycle

75mg tren EOD
100mg Test EOD
Aromasin ED
B6 ED - something i added to my cycle today as i only started it yesterday
NAC ED - something you suggested that ive included in my cycle

Then finish off with PCT

I have nolva to hand should i need it.

If theres something missing here id rather you just tell me what it is i need to get, im very surprised many experienced people on the forums have not once mentioned me getting this dopamine antagonist with this cycle. sometimes theres that much different advice on forums, web sites and from personal friends it can get confusing.

Just tell me what im missing and list it for me please?
Look into prami or caber for da. I really don't know what your talking about. Any mention of a 19-nor and a dopamine antagonist is right in the same sentence if not paragraph.
Look into prami or caber for da. I really don't know what your talking about. Any mention of a 19-nor and a dopamine antagonist is right in the same sentence if not paragraph.

ok will do mate, i understand i need prami or caber to keep my penis functional etc, there wont be any sex whilst on my cycle purely because my wife is pregnant and had issues which has resulted in us not being able to have sex for some time, so if i did my cycle without prami or caber to keep my libido functional will i get my libido back once ive completed the HCG and PCT or not
A dopamine antagonist controls prolactin levels. Yea, if it gets too high your dick won't work. That's one side. U could start breast feeding too. Seriously, read up on it.