hi lads,
after some good advice from some of you im ready to roll.My cycle will be:
32 years old
13 stone 6
BF 15%
Tren Ace (100mg/1ml bottle)
test prop (100mg/1ml bottle)
Aromasin - taking ED
Milk Thistle - ED
Glucosimine - ED
Vitamins - ED
PCT to finish up and i have to hand clomid,Tamoxifen Citrate,milk thistle etc
Im planning on a 10 week cycle, a friend said to do 75mg tren and 100mg test EOD, would people who are experienced with this stack agree this is a good dosage, baring in mind im a beginner with this stack. Im open to any advice and suggestions.
WHEN IS THE BEST TIME OF DAY TO TAKE THE STACK, i was going to start before training and see how i react to it.
Also what cycle should i do the HCG please? my mates are on sust and deca and their HCG cycle would be different to mine im assuming so any help on this would be appreciated.
If theres anything else you would advise to take during the cycle like milk thistle etc please let me know.
Ill be starting this cycle tomoz - let the growing get growing!!!!!
after some good advice from some of you im ready to roll.My cycle will be:
32 years old
13 stone 6
BF 15%
Tren Ace (100mg/1ml bottle)
test prop (100mg/1ml bottle)
Aromasin - taking ED
Milk Thistle - ED
Glucosimine - ED
Vitamins - ED
PCT to finish up and i have to hand clomid,Tamoxifen Citrate,milk thistle etc
Im planning on a 10 week cycle, a friend said to do 75mg tren and 100mg test EOD, would people who are experienced with this stack agree this is a good dosage, baring in mind im a beginner with this stack. Im open to any advice and suggestions.
WHEN IS THE BEST TIME OF DAY TO TAKE THE STACK, i was going to start before training and see how i react to it.
Also what cycle should i do the HCG please? my mates are on sust and deca and their HCG cycle would be different to mine im assuming so any help on this would be appreciated.
If theres anything else you would advise to take during the cycle like milk thistle etc please let me know.
Ill be starting this cycle tomoz - let the growing get growing!!!!!