cycle only var.. or test + var ?


New member
I read that var should not be used alone but must always be used in conjunction with testosterone, in your experience, you can start a cycle of only var without problems? or is it recommended to take testosterone + var ?
Go read the beginner cycle stickys!

Var along with pretty much everything else will shut down your natty test. Being a man, u need test in your body. That's why test is the base for all cycles.
I read that var should not be used alone but must always be used in conjunction with testosterone, in your experience, you can start a cycle of only var without problems? or is it recommended to take testosterone + var ?

Go read the beginner cycle stickys! Var along with pretty much everything else will shut down your natty test. Being a man, u need test in your body. That's why test is the base for all cycles.

^^This is great advice. Or...If you're lazy and don't wanna read the stickies, you can go read the answers provided by members on the other forums that you've posted the same exact question on and stop wasting our time!!! :nopity:
interesting.. so he has been all over the place asking the same question..

to answer it, your first cycle should be test only... adding compounds one at a time will allow you to know what, if anything, would cause an adverse effect..

if you start test and var, and something goes wrong.. which one are you going to blame??

so each cycle you can add a new compound

test var
test dbol var
interesting.. so he has been all over the place asking the same question..

to answer it, your first cycle should be test only... adding compounds one at a time will allow you to know what, if anything, would cause an adverse effect..

if you start test and var, and something goes wrong.. which one are you going to blame??

so each cycle you can add a new compound

test var
test dbol var

3J.. What's you're exp with running 2 orals. Is it safe to do?? I've always been under the assumption 1 oral per blast. Not that i'm gonna run out and do 2 orals at a time because you say so. I'm just curious because I've never messed with 2 on the same blast our of fear of it being too taxing on my body and organs. Thanks brother!!
someone recommended me, a cycle of only oxandrovar,they say, it is much better to run a var only cycle, according to your experience, you can make a small cycle with only oxandrovar?