Cycle post


New member
OK Folks,

I am about to start my second cycle on Monday. I posted the cycle for review on this board a few weeks ago. I received some criticism about the quantity, so I revised it a bit. Take a look and tell me what you think.

My specs: Last cycle 6\02 consisted of Sustanon (sust) 250 2X wk and Deca 100 2X a week. I am 41 yo. 6’, 185lb 12% BF.

My current cycle

Test Enantate 250 2x wk 1-12
Test Propionate 125 EOD 1-2
EQ 200 2X wk 1-12
HGH 4IU ED 1-20
Arimidex .25mg eod 1-14
Post cycle therapy 14-18

Thanks! & Happy 4th America!
Nice cycle. I would run the prop during weeks 1-3 while the longer ester test builds up to effective levels. After that you can drop it and let the enath do its thing. I would also add it weeks 12-14 afer the enath stops. Then you can drop the prop week 15 and go right into post cycle recovery after a few days.

Wartime100 said:
Nice cycle. I would run the prop during weeks 1-3 while the longer ester test builds up to effective levels. After that you can drop it and let the enath do its thing. I would also add it weeks 12-14 afer the enath stops. Then you can drop the prop week 15 and go right into post cycle recovery after a few days.

I had the exact same end the cycle with prop. I am pretty talented for a beginner Thanks for the help!