cycle question


New member
my stats is i weight 250lbs about 13-14 percent bodyfat i have about 5 cycles under my belt now. my last cycle was 1-12 1250mgs of test enth with a taper at week 10 and 1-10 deca at 600mgs and slin on post workout days .

the cycle i was planning on doing is 1500mgs of test enth and 600mgs of deca and slin post workout days. i was going to run the test for about 1-12 week and the deca for 1-10 weeks and at week 13 i was going to start tren at 50 mgs ed for 13-20 week and the test enth i was going to drop down to 500mgs and run two weeks past the tren i was going to run Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) threw out the cycle and at the end use clomid and slin for recover.

do yall think running deca at the same dosage again i will still be able to still gain from it? or do i need to bump it up to 800mgs a week
your opions are needed ?
ya man thats a real lot of gear. if u r woried about the deca, why not use a diffrent compound like EQ.
i have used eq, but it didn't do to good for me when i tried deca my body loves it, because of the high dosages my body does not respond to low dosage i all ready tried that :(
this is probably not what you wanna hear but maybe if you take a little more time off you can get away with using less gear. but i think 600 would still yield nice results
damn bro, that is too much gear just up my calories a lot more and use lower dosages, alot lower.