Cycle questions and feedback


New member
I am starting new cycle soon. I have done 5 previous cycles but haven't in about 5 years. I am 36 5'9" 208 12% bf. I'm looking to hardening up and get cut. My diet is been in check for past 2 weeks and drinking a gallon of water a day as I get ready for my cycle. Here's what I have on hand:
Test E
Tren A
Winny injectable

I'll be running the test as a base 500 a week to start. Looking for some feedback on putting cycle together. I thought maybe test and var to start for 8 weeks then drop var and add the tren And winny for 2nd 8. I have Nola and clomid on hand for pct.

Any suggestions and advice would be appreciated

Thank u
1st cycle sustanon 500/wk 12 weeks
2nd test c 500 a week 12 weeks anadrol 50 a day 1st 8 weeks
3rd test e 500 a week 16 weeks deca 400 week 1st 12
4th test c 750 a week 12 weeks tren (vet) 50mg eod last 8 weeks
5th test c 500 a week 12 weeks dbol 50mg 1st 8 weeks
so here is how i would do it.. test at 600mg with var for the first 8 weeks, and then tren a at 50mg ed with winny the last eight weeks.. that would be best because tren and winny work well together.. you could even drop your test to 400 the second half
I am starting new cycle soon. I have done 5 previous cycles but haven't in about 5 years. I am 36 5'9" 208 12% bf. I'm looking to hardening up and get cut. My diet is been in check for past 2 weeks and drinking a gallon of water a day as I get ready for my cycle. Here's what I have on hand:
Test E
Tren A
Winny injectable

I'll be running the test as a base 500 a week to start. Looking for some feedback on putting cycle together. I thought maybe test and var to start for 8 weeks then drop var and add the tren And winny for 2nd 8. I have Nola and clomid on hand for pct.

Any suggestions and advice would be appreciated

Thank u