CYCLE report - First month


New member
Hi guys,

New here. So here are the first month measurements:

I’m 6ft - Starting weight 93kg bf %16-17


Abdomen 91cm
Biceps 40cm
Bf: 16%
Calves: 38cm
Chest: 89cm
Hip: 95cm
Neck: 42cm
Thigh: 60cm


Abdomen 91cm
Biceps 42cm
Bf 19%
Calves 41cm
Chest 114cm
Hip 94cm
Neck 43cm
Thigh 64cm


Test-E 275mg x2 / week (12 weeks)
Dbol 40mg ED (4weeks)
HGH 4Iu ED (24weeks)


Are these some good gains ?
FOR sides control (Sorry forgot to include)

Tetracycline ED
Milk Thistle / Dandellion / 19 amino acids for liver function
Anastrozole 0.5mg EOD
Sulfur Sialyc Body/Face Wash

Are those some good gains for a first 4 weeks ?
Really the only things that jump out are your chest gains and the jump in body fat.

How did you measure the 16% then 19% body fat? Any gains in the first four weeks are likely to be just water / glycogen type gains, so perhaps that's driving the fat measurements.

Oh, and what the heck is the tetracycline for?