My first Test E cycle. *weekly updates*

November 14 Morning measurements.

Weight 196
Biceps 15 1/8"
Forearms 12 1/8"
Chest 44"
Waist 38"
Thighs 24"
Calves 15.5"

Been dieting the last 2 days, stomach is getting too big and love handles got a lil bigger... :(
November 19 Morning measurements.

Weight 197
Biceps 15 1/2"
Forearms 12 1/4"
Chest 44 1/2"
Waist 38 1/2"
Thighs 24 1/2"
Calves 15 1/2"
November 24 Morning measurements.

Weight 199
Biceps 15 1/2"
Forearms 12 1/4"
Chest 44 1/2"
Waist 38 1/2"
Thighs 24 1/2"
Calves 15 1/2"
good for you if your on test prop yes you would feel it..enan now it takes awhile..but lookn good bro
November 30 Morning measurements.

Weight 198
Biceps 15 1/4"
Forearms 12"
Chest 43 1/2"
Waist 38"
Thighs 24 1/2"
Calves 16"

Been dieting the last few days, looking a little leaner.
December 4 Morning measurements. (LAST SHOT TODAY)

Weight 200 YAY!
Biceps 15 1/2"
Forearms 12 1/4"
Chest 43 1/2"
Waist 37 1/2"
Thighs 24 1/2"
Calves 15 1/2"

My waist has gotten bigger yes but Im not sure if it's from eating more or from fat, it doesn't look like I gained any extra fat anywhere else since I started, Im sure it will go away after I start post cycle therapy (pct). I will post before and after pics after I start post cycle therapy (pct). I am also taking sesamin/glucorell for the last month, seems to be helping keep the fat off.
lookin good man im starting my first cycle also, its similar to yours. im doing test -e 250mg shots every mon. and thurs. for a total of 500mg a week. im also doin d-bol 30mg a day for the first 4 weeks. ill let you know how it goes. keep up the good work man.
December 9 Morning measurements.

Weight 201
Biceps 15 3/4"
Forearms 12 1/4"
Chest 44"
Waist 37 1/2"
Thighs 24"
Calves 15 1/2"

This saturday I was out all day with buddies drinking/eating out, came home I was 208! Back down to 201 now, weird lol.
Its been almost 2 months since I started, starting post cycle therapy (pct) next Thursday.

Strength Gains: (Starting) (Current) All freeweights.

Chest Bench: (150) (210)
Chest Incline Bench: (130) (160)
Bicep Curl: (30 each hand) (45 each hand)
Tricep Pulldown: (110) (160)
Lat Pulldown: (120) (150)
Back Row: (120) (170)
Squat: (180) (250)
Leg Press: (450) (630)
Calf Raises: (200) (300)
Shoulder Dumbell Press: (40 each hand) (55 each hand)
Shoulder Press: (180) (240)

These weights are all approximate with around 6-10 reps each set. My max is probably a little higher. These are just some of the exercises I do, on average I would say I gained a 30% strength increase at 250mg every 5 days.
I was thinkin of doing a similar cycle I'm contemplating whether or not I should bump it to 500mg. Now that you have finished your cycle would you have done 500mg instead?
No I would not do 500, I think I was already getting slight side effects from this dose, I noticed a tiny amount of dried blood on my left nipple a couple of days but it went away the next day... I think if I took 500/week and ate around 4k-5k calories a day I could easily be at 215 right now...
I feel mine the next day and I'm running Test E....the hormone starts to break down straight away so I don't see why you woudn't feel it...especially if you think a morning boner is due to a slight increase in your test levels and that's when your body is only producing around 7-10mg ED...if you injected 500mg of Test E you would definately expect an increase in Test levels within 24hrs, you might not notice it gym wise for a few weeks but the higher levels are there biologically.

i agree i feel different the next day.
From your initial measurements, you didn't have much size...I think with your age and only 3 years training, it's best to build as much muscle mass as you can naturally since your test levels are still naturally high. Your final results from AAS would be from a "drug body." If you come off, you will lose it...I didn't start AAS until I was in my 30's. I spent 10+ years pushing myself, training hard and eating right, to get a good solid foundation. When I felt I reached my peak naturally, that's when I pushed through the plateau with AAS.
Im on my second cycle of test E, injecting

250ml on Monday and Thursday, not experiencing many sides just occasional acne weight gain and a oily appearance. No real increase with libido (which is strange) Got test levels checked Doc said they are very high
IM on the same cycle jsut a little diff. (also first cycle) im doing 250mg of test e mon. and thurs. i jsut finished up my d-bol (4 week - 30-35mg) and have gotten little to none side effects. im al lil bloated (roid gut) but from what i understand it will go away as i start my post cycle therapy (pct) and cardio back up to drop alot of the water weight. also my incease in strenght is through the roof. maxed out before i started, and increased my bench (25lbs in 3 weeks. (im not talkin bullshit lifting either, i max out as if i was on stage at a meet.) my squat has also gotten pretty damn high. im curious to see how ill feel on my 8th week. im currently on my 5th week, and loving the cycle.