Cycle Thoughts - Quality Keepable Gains?


New member
Hey guys, first post on the forums so I hope I don't break any rules. If I have just let me know, no need to flame, and I'll fix it.

I'm looking at running a cycle soon to pack on some lean mass without a ton of bloat The main goal is keeping as much mass as possible post cycle. I've done one 12 week bulking cycle and one 20 week cycle where I started off bulking and then switched some compounds around to cut for a show. Both cycles have been very successful in my mind and I 'think' that I've recovered fine. I will be getting blood work done before starting this cycle to be sure that liver, kidneys, cholesterol, etc... is all in check. I wish I had started getting blood work done from the start but I can't change that now so I'll just use this as a baseline and compare future tests to this.

Here's what I'm planning on running

Weeks 1-14: Test-E 420mg/wk
Weeks 1-14: EQ 420mg/wk
Weeks 1-14: Mast-E 280mg/wk
Weeks 1-14: T-Bol 60mg/day
Weeks 1-PCT Start: Adex 0.5-1mg EOD Edit as per suggestion: run until PCT (2-3 weeks after last shot of enanthate ester). I actually knew this and had a brain fart typing it out.

The cycle will be 100 days (14.28 weeks). That's just how long the amount of gear will last for at these doses. My goal is to put on about 15-20lbs and stay relatively dry and lean. I want to go for quality, keepable gains.

Post Cycle Therapy will be HCG, Nolva, and either Clomid or Triptorelin. I will also start running Ostarine (MK-2866) at the same time as PCT and maybe some IGF1-LR3 (undecided).
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hi, lets start with some basics


then lets talk about your nutrition
hi, lets start with some basics


then lets talk about your nutrition

Age: 23
Weight: 175lbs
Height: 5' 11"
Body fat 9-10%

I had cut from 186 to a super lean 162 for a show recently.
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My coach and I haven't completed my bulking diet yet. My diet for the last while has been a contest prep diet which I've pretty much been following even post comp just with increased portions, allowing dressings and Jam, and having cheat meals one to two times per week.

Last time I was bulking my macros were as follows:
Calories: 3470
Protein: 304g
Carbs: 391g
Fats: 77g

So 45% carbs, 35% protein, 20% fat.

I have a preliminary diet done up right now for what I'll be doing this time around but I haven't calculated everything yet and don't have the time to do that until this evening.
I wouldn't personally run an oral that long. You can likely get away with up to 6 weeks, but they are taxing on the liver, especially over an extended period of time. Other than that, it looks fine to me; just be sure to get a blood panel run mid cycle to make sure everything is golden and your AI dose is optimal.

My .02c :)
Post a pic


I been at this for a long time. In summation I was 160 5 11 age 20 when I really hit the gymand gear.
Peaked at age 27 ish and 215 pretty damn lean.

Now w trt and some better idea of not overtraining and eating enough..I can be a hard 190- 200 and hit 210-214 and not be water logged...if I up my trt or do a mild cycle and eat and not overtrain I can hit the high point..I m 51. 31 years at this....u can maintain gains sure. But you got to eat and recup and train smart off cycle....

I strayed as your q was answered; I m telling you in the long wrong your muscle will be permanent gains but only if you stay at smart, many guy s only train hard when on..if you make this a life you ll be bigger for life...if that s what u want.

e z on the orals
Thanks for all of the help guys. Looks like I'll probably shorten the length of time running tbol to the six week range or so.

Appreciate the feedback.