Cycle update


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Cycle update with pics

Ok I am on week two of my 12 week sus/tren cycle. So far I am up 9 lbs. As most of you know, I am coming off of a broken arm, I got my cast off about six weeks ago. SO this cycle was to help me get back to where I was previously and to gain some more size. This is my first time running tren e, and as of this point I have seen no signs, although my dreams are kinda crazy lately. I am running the sus at 625mg pw, and the tren at 400mg pw.
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so here are a few pics of me, I am finally getting back to where I was at before I broke my arm. You would be surprised to see how small I got after six weeks of not being able to do anything while I was in my cast. I am 6'1 and 190lbs, I know to a lot of you guys I am small, but it is what it is, I have worked my ass off to get to where I am at today. I have an extremely fast metabolism, and I have to eat my ass off and lift big to gain what weight I can. The biggest I have ever been was 195 and that was after a year of true eating and lifting dedication on my last deployment. I have done two cycles in my past but I was way to young and dumb, I was listening to people who had no true understanding of AAS, while I did gain a good bit of weight, I lost every bit of it in the long run. This is my first fully prepared cycle, I have everything I need on hand. My first cycles I had no Aromatase inhibitor (AI) or post cycle therapy (pct), my body did respond well to the test previously, I have wanted to run tren for quite some time so I took the plunge. Some of you may say it is not needed or I should have waited, but, I am commited to running it responsibly. Let me know what you guys think, I know I'm not big, but I do think I have a good physic.
Eat more! You must have been hella lean when you started. Great gains btw. How messed up are your dreams?
I have always been extremely lean, even on my first two cycles my BF was always below 10%. I eat until I cannot possibly eat any more, and then try to eat more. My metabolism is freaking crazy. My dreams are just really vivid, I will wake up and be like holy shit that was a crazy ass dream haha
Just got done at the gym, today was chest and tri's. Since the broken arm I have been trying to get my strength back. When I first got my cast off I could barely do three sets of 8 with 50lbs DB for flat bench. Before I broke my arm I was doing three sets of 10 with 90lbs DB on flat bench, so you can see how much strength I had lost! But today I crushed it, even without my training partner who is out of town. My strength is coming on very quickly. As you said I am very lean and I am happy about it. Today was my fourth injection and I am up a total of 10lbs. I will keep updating as I see fit, and I will be taking weekly pics to show my progress.
So it has been a while since I last updated this post. I just got home from the gym, I weighed in at 202 today. I just hit my six week mark of my sustanon and tren e cycle. I can honestly say I am loving the tren, it is keeping my gains very lean and the only side I have encountered is having some issues sleeping but the gains and how I feel are worth it. Half way done and I am up 22lbs!!!