Cycle with no test?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

No. This guy is not serious at all. Look at all his posts....not just this one. He gives very little feedback and continues to get plenty of responses. He is fishing for attention. He says hes 18 sometimes and 19 other times....likely means hes even younger. Either way he is too young for anabolics or to be on this site. He contradicts himself.from one post to the next. Sometimes says he has started a cycle like other cycles we are used to seeing and then sometimes says he is doing 2 grams per week. Sometimes he says he has abandoned a cycle, sometimes hes about to start. The only thing consistent is his unwillingness to learn anything or listen to what anyone on this site says. Hes a disrespectful little boy with too much time.on his hands. Should be doing his homework and focusing on good grades.

I wish him the best. He should print out the first cycle sticky and save it for about ten years then follow it and see what happens.

Still blown away that he isnt banned. Guess people appreciate the entertainment. Maybe he will at least start a thread that is funny. So far he is not very creative

Jezz guys look at another post where he has one problem then another Q' like can i use toilet paper to stop or wipe blood. For God's sake guys. Read them, no understanding or trying. No reading Stickys and yea he abandon one cycle only to really continue or start a new. They say no Q's are stupid, well in this case he HAS ASKED some STUPID Q's and keeps on and on...

I posted that I would NOT entertain anymore of his posts. That doesn't bother him cause for most part he has so many trying to get somewhere with him while he makes a jerk out of people by stringing them along.
My 2 cents

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Jezz guys look at another post where he has one problem then another Q' like can i use toilet paper to stop or wipe blood. For God's sake guys. Read them, no understanding or trying. No reading Stickys and yea he abandon one cycle only to really continue or start a new. They say no Q's are stupid, well in this case he HAS ASKED some STUPID Q's and keeps on and on...

I posted that I would NOT entertain anymore of his posts. That doesn't bother him cause for most part he has so many trying to get somewhere with him while he makes a jerk out of people by stinging them along.
My 2 cents


hey so i thought you were not going to comment on any of ops threads anymore. you stated that hoss. now your here again posting about him.
short term memory there ol pal?
if you all dont like op then just ignore him, at least hes posting here. I am more than happy to help him out.
hey so i thought you were not going to comment on any of ops threads anymore. you stated that hoss. now your here again posting about him.
short term memory there ol pal?
if you all dont like op then just ignore him, at least hes posting here. I am more than happy to help him out.

Yeah. His shit keeps popping up. It's not new stuff. And its make believe. I love this site when its bros helping each other.....but more than once people have tries to help him and he doesnt want it. He just starts a new thread that makes no sense. Short term memory? Yeah....I'll give ya that. But i cant help myself when someone makes a mockery of what the bros on here are trying to do. PLUS....hes too young for anyone on here to be encouraging him to ruin his life. We have committed our lives to hormones and hes far too young to decide if that is something he is prepared to do. I have a son that is almost his age and I would be mad as hell at you guys if you gave him cycle advice other than PLEASE DON'T DO IT

Of course all that is beside the point. He is neither 18 or 19 or doing steroids or thinking about doing steroids. Hes just bored. But I still don't like what his posts represent, which is a bunch of experienced bros giving advice to a boy about steroids. Some bros on here started at 18 or even younger........and if they wont admit now that it was a big mistake then they will one day. So if this guy is for real....which really isnt possible....then the only advice that's right to give him is to see an endocrinologist to help him balance out and to leave steroids alone.

Sure....I'd love to see more traffic on the site. But we need traffic that isnt complete bullshit and is not young boys risking their future. AND ONE OF THOSE TWO IS WHATS HAPPENING HERE.....MAYBE BOTH

So maybe this is a good time to say thank you. Thank you to you sir and to all the other bros on here that really try to help each other out. I'm sure you guys know other bros you could direct to this site? That would be awesome. Guess most of us are here to be anonymous though :)

One last thing as I ramble :) Maybe some of the experienced bros on here could raise some of the questions you hear out there in the gym and such. That way it could be posed as a hypothetical and generate more constructive debate. Questions about roid rage, or one compound being better than the other, or dosages as they relate to results. There are tons of things we could do to start real debates, instead of imaginary ones from FML.

:) all you bros. Happy holidays
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FML is at least funny. He knows enough to be able to push the bros buttons, gems like too young, no PCT, cycling without test, cycling without AI.

It's a hot list of things known to provoke a response.

So whatever, help if you must - just be aware you are being played.
FML is at least funny. He knows enough to be able to push the bros buttons, gems like too young, no PCT, cycling without test, cycling without AI.

It's a hot list of things known to provoke a response.

So whatever, help if you must - just be aware you are being played.

true that but at the same time, how many times have we seen a newbie come here and ask those same questions in the past? if i had a dollar for everytime that has happened i could buy that new iphone XS.
so i think these are pertinent questions which are added to the archives here so that when a newbie does come here with a question like that in mind, it will show up in a search and help them out fast.
all good either way brothers, and happy Christmas all around to all! :xmas::santa::40oz::freak:
keep thinking I'm a troll, you low IQ retards

I'm 100% serious. why the fuk would I troll on this forum? why the fuk would I troll about something like this?

it literally makes no damn sense. you have to be one stupid son of a bitch if you think I'm trolling

There were a couple posts answering you in a serious fashion

why didnt you address those verbally or at least hit the like button about that