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I've been using steroids for about 1 yr, i weight 185 lbs, im 5'11. I've done 4 cycles so far. My current cycle was anadrol 50, which i used for 3 out of 8 weeks of my cycle stacked with 2 cc of anethate per week.i am currently about to take a long brake from use and im in my last 2 weeks of my cycle, my plan to com off is to use 100 mg of equopoise for the next 2 weeks, then cut down to 50 mg per week for the last 2 weeks. 2 weeks after my last injection i'm going to start my clomid. If anyone has any input i'd greatly appreciate it.:afro:
Welcome to Steroidology !!

Let me see if I got this are currently taking Test Enanthate @ 2 cc's/week, I assume 500 mg/week.
You want to use EQ to finish up you cycle for the last 4 that right ????

That is just bizarre !!

Just stop the Test Enanthate and start your Clomid therapy 2 weeks after your last Test shot.
StoneColdNTO said:
Welcome to Steroidology !!

Let me see if I got this are currently taking Test Enanthate @ 2 cc's/week, I assume 500 mg/week.
You want to use EQ to finish up you cycle for the last 4 that right ????

That is just bizarre !!

Just stop the Test Enanthate and start your Clomid therapy 2 weeks after your last Test shot.

I would think that that is not enough EQ or long enough duration for it to do anything anyhow..

i agree wit SC

I takes EQ abotu 5-6 weeks to actually start feeling it. Just start clomid after your enanth. What have been your gains, and what weight did you start at before AAS?
I agree with the other guys, Iam currently on a prop,winny,eq cycle & it seems like it took about 5 weeks for the eq to kick in.
In my opinion you should take your clomid & end your cycle, take a break and then do a cutting cycle. good luck
before my cycle i was about 178, but ive just come back from dieting down for a competition, so i was a very lean 178.I'm up to about 185 right now. It seems no matter what i use i just get a little bigger and leaner. I've used plenty of bulking drugs, but the only result i get off of them is a shitload of strength, and a small amount of mass. As it says below my name, im a rookie at this, im 21 and have been using for about 1 yr now, ive decided against the eq, thanks for the info guys, you saved me a lot of trouble.