Cycles and hpta shutdown.


New member
What's going on everyone . I am currently beginning my second cycle and I am a little worried about shutting down my hpta. I ran my first cycle of 500 MG of test a week for 10 weeks and after that I did trt treatment because I was planning to hop on my second cycle fairly quickly. I did the trt treatment for one month and I am currently beginning my second cycle, again 500 MG of test for 10 weeks. I am 20 years old and I am beginning to be concerned with completely shutting down my testerone production. I am planning to come off after this cycle , any advice on pct and should I recover okay ?
Everytime you use exogenous AAS, it shuts down your HPTA. You are shut down right now. The longer your stay shut down the harder it will be to get your HPTA restarted again. If you cannot restart it you will need to go on TRT for the rest of your life. And since you are younger than age 25 it means that your endocrine system is not fully developed thus putting you at greater risk for not fully restarting your HPTA. You should come off right now and run PCT.
Even if you were done with development and had training and diet nailed down blasting and cruising is ill advised in general. B&C with a 1 month cruise is completely irresponsible.

Pct, recover your HPTA and train natty until 25.
Everytime you use exogenous AAS, it shuts down your HPTA. You are shut down right now. The longer your stay shut down the harder it will be to get your HPTA restarted again. If you cannot restart it you will need to go on TRT for the rest of your life. And since you are younger than age 25 it means that your endocrine system is not fully developed thus putting you at greater risk for not fully restarting your HPTA. You should come off right now and run PCT.

What do you recommend for pct ???