Cycling Dbol in teens; mild case of gyno please help!

Hey guys

I'm going to make this as short as possible but I'm going to try and be as accurate as I can so you have a good idea of what I'm suffering. So I'm 18 (I know, I know) and did a 4 week cycle of dbol at 20mg/day. It was great, I made loads of gains. However I did not have any pct at the time so only managed to get it around 2 or 3 weeks after my cycle. my pct consisted of about 40mg/per of nolvadex. during my cycle and after I noticed my nipples (especially my left) getting very puffy. It was not like this before.

I only took the nolvadex I had for about a week but it did not make any difference. my nipples are not sore but they do have small hard lumps underneath (about the size of a pea). they have also much more prominent than before. It is now about 3 months post cycle and It is really starting to bother me.

Please can you advise me on what to do/take to resolve this. I can post some pictures if anyone would like further clarification.

here are some stats about me which may help:
Mass: 75kg
height: 5"9

Please help!

You need to jump on an Aromatase inhibitor (AI). use some aromasin or letro. Run 6.25mgs EOD aromasin for a while and see if that helps. If it does not then bump it to 12.5mgs EOD I never delt with gyno, so im just going off what i has read. You can get some legal AI's that are orals brother. I get mine from RUI products. Im not advertises for them just telling you some info.
Thanks mate I really appreciate your help. Could you possible send me some links? I'm really bad with this stuff and don't know which places are legit or not etc. I live in the UK if that helps. Do think whatever I have can be sorted out though? Also what does "EOD aromasin" mean, and how long do you suggested I run the "EOD aromasin for"?

Thanks mate