CYP and which oral? dbol or anavar?


New member
Hey all !

Just after some guys thoughts on which would be best, and if I can alter this cycle in any way...
Firstly some info on me... Lifting on off 8 weeks but gym rat the last couple.. Ive used before I have a few cycles under my belt. Prop... prop/winny .... sus/npp...

I havent been on for a while now, recently had my bloods done and all was spot on.

My stats are 29yrs, 5'11, 86kgs, 14% ( recent dexa scan )

Im planning on a cut, my diet is absolutely dialed in (has been for 3 weeks) as I am working very closely with my new trainer who also specialises in body composition and contest prep. So looking to put on some muscle while the fat is melting off over time.

Anyway - to the gear..

I just had my first pin last night of 250mg CYP which I plan to do Wednesday and Sundays.

1-12 CYP 500mg
1-6 (dbols at 50mg a day) BUT my question is do I change to VARS??? - I have both? Just looking for a little bit of fullness while dropping the fat.

I have arimidex, exemestane, HCG on hand.

PCT standard 3 weeks after last pin.

Clomid 100/100/50/50
Nolva 40/40/20/20

Vars or bols? hmmmm???

aiming for single figure fat....

Seems like you are rushing into things. Diet has only been on point for 3 weeks. You have only been training for 8 weeks.

How about giving it years before hopping on gear. You are setting yourself up to get hurt. Your muscles are going to grow faster than your connective tissue. You are going to feel strong and end up popping a tendon or ligament.

You need to build a solid base first. Get off the gear and get more than 8 weeks go experience under your belt.
you need to run the Adex EoD mate, not have it on hand. You need to keep E2 low, not try and suppress it when it already is high.
HCG as well, you run that start to finish

So for HCG and the Adex, run it 1-14, starting PCT week 15.

As for your PCT @ 100 for the first 2 weeks is very high. Lower than down to the 70ish area and you'll be better off.

Var is definitely going to be better for you since you're already at 14%, where as dbol would help you bulk and aid water retention.
Var is expensive and hard to find, so if you have the funds and the source, go for it as long as it works for your goal.

How much var would you look at doing per day and for how long?
Seems like you are rushing into things. Diet has only been on point for 3 weeks. You have only been training for 8 weeks.

How about giving it years before hopping on gear. You are setting yourself up to get hurt. Your muscles are going to grow faster than your connective tissue. You are going to feel strong and end up popping a tendon or ligament.

You need to build a solid base first. Get off the gear and get more than 8 weeks go experience under your belt.

I took it to mean 8 years of training. Figured he wrote weeks because he wrote diet 3 weeks and the word was in his head
I took it to mean 8 years of training. Figured he wrote weeks because he wrote diet 3 weeks and the word was in his head

Correct! 8 year... the word was in my head well done. :-)
I'm not sure how I would have got a few cycles under my belt in only 8 weeks either. haha. not to worry!

I've used var a few times before... I find that about 80mg for me in the number... starting from 50mg.

My diet was never off before 3 weeks ago, It just more 'dialed in' so to speak.

I was just thinking that if my diet was spot on, I could avoid the bloat you can get with dbol and maximise the more gain side of things?
havent used dbol before!?
Dbol is more so a bulker. Most get the bloat from dbol. If your after lean gains use var the last 6 weeks or so of your cycle. Personally I don't use orals. Pin it to win it...
Agreeing with ^^^^^, BUT if you want to use an oral on a "cutting" cycle, var is better. Bulk with DBOL.