Daily Protein Intake Q


New member
I'm trying to get down ~220g of protein a day. Say I add 10g of glutamines to my PWO shake - should that count towards my total? Ditto for the BCAAs?
no... dont count that in.. consider it extra and out of the box... your protein intake is more then 75% of it from real food?
If I include milk and pasteurised egg whites then it's close to 80% with the rest coming from protein powder. Closer to 60% would come from solid foods (chicken breast/thigh, fish, low fat beef mince).
29, 97kg, 187cm
I'm not sure on the BF but last I checked I was 15% and I think I look a bit under that now... I will have to go get that checked soon. I'm hoping to cut to 10%, is that pretty doable with 2400 cals a day (gym + cardio 5x a week) or should I go a bit lower than that?
at your weight i would aim for 300g protein while cutting.. carbs should be 150 on a need only basis (bfast, pre and post workout) and fill the rest of the calories for fat.. about 2500 calories is not a bad place to start