New member
Yo, what's happening yall. I stalked this page for a while, got with 3J and have been following the carb cycling meal plan I got from him exactly since August 30th. I've gone from 285lbs to 275lbs (did weigh in and measurements today) been losing inches all over. The gains I've been making with my weight lifting are really good. I'm doing way better than I've expected and am only getting stronger already. I never even used to look at the 3 digit dumbbells, now I'm pulling 120 on single arm rows and I hit the 100s on chest day. Anyways so it's been like 3 weeks and this past week was kind of rough for me. I kept obsessing over having a cheat meal, and I just felt worn down and kind of beat up. I had been having rough starts in the morning, been cranky as all hell. Once I drink about a half to a full pot of coffee, take my pre-workout (I'm using Meltdown by VPX, the pill version 3pills) I feel way better once I get into the gym and get moving. My caffeine intake has gone up substantially since starting this split 3 weeks ago. I don't know if that has anything to do with it (I'm guessing so) but really the point of this post is to just let yall know I appreciate what you do here and that it's always motivating to come in here just read about what everyone is doing and know that I'm not alone on this fitness journey. I'm also a recovering addict and have been clean for over six and a half years. I haven't made as many meetings since starting the split, instead of 4-5 a week, I've been making 2-3 a week, dunno if that has much to do with it either, but eh just throwing it out there....anyways, it's good to just let my thoughts and feelings out there