Dbol added to current cycle


New member
I have gotten many good recommendations regarding my cycle and diet...thank you all. I am going to make a change to my cycle and focus stricly on mass...

Currently it looks like this:

EQ 400mg/wk
Test Enanthate 500mg/wk
Prop 75mg/ed for 1st 4 weeks
Winny 50 mg/ed for last 4 weeks

I am going to drop the Winstrol (winny) (save for a cutting cycle) and add Dbol at 30mg/ed, starting Sunday. How long should I run the Dbol? Does this dosage sound correct? This is my first go around with any oral...:afro:
no more than maybe 5-6 weeks...maybe 7 if you have before....if you do go for the 7 weeks, keep it low, your liver will thank you...good cycle....I would maybe increase the prop to 100mg...good luck
4-5 weeks is the "norm" to run it......and 30-35mg ED is perfect for a first timer. take one 5mg pill each 3 hrs or so, splitting it up throughout the day taking advantage of the short half life of dbol.
I would switch from Winstrol (winny) to anavar if you are looking for a cutter in that cycle. IMO, anavar is a better cutter with less side effects than Winstrol (winny), especially with Winstrol (winny) being a bitch on the hair. It might cost more to get anavar, but you will be complaining more when you start to have a hairline of someone 20 years older than you......

.........so, IT WAS A GOOD IDEA THAT YOU DROPED THE Winstrol (winny) FOR THE DBOL. However, I would still state that anavar would be a better choice than dbol. You will get just as strong strength gains with anavar as you would dbols, but you won't have all the water retention and "bloat face" that comes with dbol use, even if the dbol use is only four weeks.
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Can anyone tell me how dbol works? Are the effects noticable immediately? Or is this like longer acting esther of test?
dallasskyline said:
Can anyone tell me how dbol works? Are the effects noticable immediately? Or is this like longer acting esther of test?

Dbol takes about a week or so to show up its effects, but this can be different for each person.
Hulkster said:
I would switch from Winstrol (winny) to anavar if you are looking for a cutter in that cycle. IMO, anavar is a better cutter with less side effects than Winstrol (winny), especially with Winstrol (winny) being a bitch on the hair. It might cost more to get anavar, but you will be complaining more when you start to have a hairline of someone 20 years older than you......

.........so, IT WAS A GOOD IDEA THAT YOU DROPED THE Winstrol (winny) FOR THE DBOL. However, I would still state that anavar would be a better choice than dbol. You will get just as strong strength gains with anavar as you would dbols, but you won't have all the water retention and "bloat face" that comes with dbol use, even if the dbol use is only four weeks.

The hair concern is not one I need to think about...I shave my head...due to having a hairline of someone 20 years my senior...this is genetics speed up by my use...my girlfriend thinks I am sexy bald...

I am not famaliar with Anavar? What can you tell me about it?
dude, anavar is EXPENSIVE and hard to find legit. just use the dbol, hulkie is making it much more difficult on you. no need for anavar in that cycle, dbol will turn the trick fine. and it doesn't help with joints, deca does though.
dallasskyline said:
The hair concern is not one I need to think about...I shave my head...due to having a hairline of someone 20 years my senior...this is genetics speed up by my use...my girlfriend thinks I am sexy bald...

I am not famaliar with Anavar? What can you tell me about it?

Oh baby! You should really ask around about it! IMHO, I believe that mg for mg, it is the BEST Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) ON THE MARKET! Extradionary strength gains that rival, if not surpass, that of dianabol, while no side effects---other than the typical liver toxicity from taking a 17aa oral. But like any other oral, you will have liver toxicity from extended use of orals. So I recommend taking about 1000mgs of Milk Thistle ed, as well as get yourself some Tyler's Liver Detox capsules. Both can be found at excellent prices at the AF Store. You will get decent, but not greatly noticable, muscular gains----however, those will be QUALITY GAINS. Meaning, you don't have to worry about losing them post-cycle like you would with dianabol.
Deca will have to wait for another cycle. I will just hit the vicodin. Why would I go with Dbol or Anavar versus the other?
dallasskyline said:
Deca will have to wait for another cycle. I will just hit the vicodin. Why would I go with Dbol or Anavar versus the other?

like i said, anavar is like a hundred times the price of dbol....and hard to find legit......dbol is cheap and easy, all things being equal of course most would like anavar. i got 500 of them bitches waiting for the cutter coming up. :) but for a bulker there is no sense getting anavar over dbol.
Hulkster said:
Oh baby! You should really ask around about it! IMHO, I believe that mg for mg, it is the BEST Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) ON THE MARKET! Extradionary strength gains that rival, if not surpass, that of dianabol, while no side effects---other than the typical liver toxicity from taking a 17aa oral. But like any other oral, you will have liver toxicity from extended use of orals. So I recommend taking about 1000mgs of Milk Thistle ed, as well as get yourself some Tyler's Liver Detox capsules. Both can be found at excellent prices at the AF Store. You will get decent, but not greatly noticable, muscular gains----however, those will be QUALITY GAINS. Meaning, you don't have to worry about losing them post-cycle like you would with dianabol.

first off you do not lose dbol gains post cycle. lol. i used dbol 35mg 5 weeks and 50mg iP Winstrol (winny) last 4 weeks along with .5 arimidex with the dbol ED and i kept 15 of 23 lbs. for months and months. secondly, you suggest anavar....are you going to tell him where to get legit anavar for a good price so he don't get ripped off? no, didn't think so. let him use the dbol for christ sakes.
like i said, anavar is like a hundred times the price of dbol....and hard to find legit......dbol is cheap and easy, all things being equal of course most would like anavar. i got 500 of them bitches waiting for the cutter coming up. :) but for a bulker there is no sense getting anavar over dbol.

Gotcha...my workout partner swears by dbol and test...I will follow suit