dbol/eq/test/winny first cycle


New member
I've been reading up about first cycle being consisted of just testosterone shots, but i was thinking of kickstarting with dbol, mixing in eq for apetite, test as esential, and Winstrol (winny) after dbol ends.
Age 24, bf 5%, height 185cm, weight 75kg.

Test E - 500mg/week 1-12 weeks
EQ - 300mb/week 1-12 weeks
Dbol - 40mg/day 1-4 weeks
Winny 20-30mg/day 5-14weeks

So about body intolerance, singling out what causes problems if they happen, but dunno, basically first 3 weeks dbol will be the only thing that is kicking, after that t kicks in but as i have high test lvls as is, i dont think it will be any problems with it. Now eq can be a pain in the arse to get out of your system if it starts making problems, but its just a risk im willing to take on.
Now i dont know if i should be injecting with hcg, is it really that necessary in 12 week cycle?
Shoot out with your advices, im listening :)
1. your bodyfat is not 5%...

2. you must only run test alone your first cycle.. so many things can go wrong on a cycle like this and you wouldn't know where to start to find out what it is
Yep, don't need all that for your first cycle bro. Just relax and take the test. Eq is a waist at 300mgs for 12 weeks anyway. You would get little results from the eq if any. And if your spending that money just to eat, c mon man ! Just eat more is all ! Save your money.
agree with above posts. first cycle should be simple and test alone is the best way to go. but if you insist on a kickstart then you could throw in the dbol but im sure youd be happy with just a straight test cycle. that way you dont have to worry about whats causing what sides, i know you said its a risk your willing to take but theres no need to take that risk.

some things can mess with your head easy when your on and trying to guess whats going on inside your body when your running compounds youve never ran before and without bloodwork. sounds like a nightmare imo.