I've been reading up about first cycle being consisted of just testosterone shots, but i was thinking of kickstarting with dbol, mixing in eq for apetite, test as esential, and Winstrol (winny) after dbol ends.
Age 24, bf 5%, height 185cm, weight 75kg.
Test E - 500mg/week 1-12 weeks
EQ - 300mb/week 1-12 weeks
Dbol - 40mg/day 1-4 weeks
Winny 20-30mg/day 5-14weeks
So about body intolerance, singling out what causes problems if they happen, but dunno, basically first 3 weeks dbol will be the only thing that is kicking, after that t kicks in but as i have high test lvls as is, i dont think it will be any problems with it. Now eq can be a pain in the arse to get out of your system if it starts making problems, but its just a risk im willing to take on.
Now i dont know if i should be injecting with hcg, is it really that necessary in 12 week cycle?
Shoot out with your advices, im listening
Age 24, bf 5%, height 185cm, weight 75kg.
Test E - 500mg/week 1-12 weeks
EQ - 300mb/week 1-12 weeks
Dbol - 40mg/day 1-4 weeks
Winny 20-30mg/day 5-14weeks
So about body intolerance, singling out what causes problems if they happen, but dunno, basically first 3 weeks dbol will be the only thing that is kicking, after that t kicks in but as i have high test lvls as is, i dont think it will be any problems with it. Now eq can be a pain in the arse to get out of your system if it starts making problems, but its just a risk im willing to take on.
Now i dont know if i should be injecting with hcg, is it really that necessary in 12 week cycle?
Shoot out with your advices, im listening