Dbol Question on new Cycle


New member
Starting a new Test C, Deca, Dbol cycle and have a quick question on the Dbol dosage timing. I have searched alot and it seems the timing / split of taking Dbol is all over the place. Would be curious to hear how some of the more experienced people take their Dbol and when they take it.

I have 20mg capsules so splitting up too much would not be easy. Was wondering if taking all at once preworkout is better or should I split 20 mg am and preworkout?

Cycle is 600mg Test C, 400 mg Deca and 40mg Dbol. Will do the Dbol for 6 weeks, the Test for 14 and the Deca for 12. Taking Adex (liquid) .5 EOD first 6 weeks and then will see if I can back that down a bit after the Dbol. Have Prami on hand and will start taking in two weeks to offset the Deca dick / Prolactin issues.

Sitting at about 194lbs right now and around 8% BF. Diet is good and will keep it on track throughout.
I usually split my dosage so for you that would be 20 in morning and 20 before workout. Everyone has dif opinions on this though. To get the most out of Deca I would run it for 14 weeks and the test 16 weeks. Also why so high with the test? I've been told to run the test lower and Deca higher, run the Deca at 600 and the test at 250-300, that's what I'm running right now. Don't know that you need to start the prami, just have it on hand in case you need it.
generally people seem to do better with deca with test higher. but it can be done either way.

as for dbol I would rec 20mg am and then the other 20mg a few hrs later IMO
Yea, I had not heard of doing the Deca higher than Test?? I have always used Test as the backbone for any cycle, plus that is how I am setup for this cycle. Might push to the 14 week Deca / 16 week Test though as I know Deca is a slow start.
Dbol has a lot of different opinions, just trying to see what others do and think. Thanks.
I'd take 20mg Dbol in the AM then the other 20mg late afternoon. You look like your being pretty proactive with your estrogen control running .5mg eod adex (test, dbol, deca cycles are estrogen bombs), so keeping that estrogen in control you should not have a problem with deca dick or prolactin issues. you may not need to even run the prami, just keep it on hand.

If you do not want to extend your cycle all the way out to 16 weeks, but you still want to get the most of your nandrolone deca (cause 14+ weeks or long is best, but you do gotta run test longer then that),, you can always front load your deca with NPP for the first 4-5 weeks, that will get nandrolone going way quicker and you can get by just running 10-12 weeks of deca that way if you wanted.

as for test higher then deca or deca dose higher then test.. I've done both ways several times. It does not make a difference UNLESS your running a high dose of deca with little to NO test, then deca dick will kick in for sure cause there is not enough test there,, but if your running at least a TRT dose of test, 200+ mg of test or more a week, you can run 600 mg of deca and 200 test with no issues,, as long as your controlling estrogen. in fact, high Deca, lower test, equals less sides because Deca does not aromatize that much and the lower you run your test the less aromatization of that as well and thus less sides.
but what your doing, 400 mg deca and 600 mg of test, is a pretty common and solid cycle,, just keep that estrogen under control like your doing and you'll be GTG
I m Mr Low dose now...
But when I did not care about my health water retention or prolactin etc...I split the d bol am , pm--best anti depressant out there b t w I m o. Test over deca or 1-1 depending on supply available...like 500 each or 600 test 400 deca like you.

Going in to Mr Ole XXXX I ran 1 grand test, 600 deca 50 dbol for waaaay to long lol4-5 months. I won..but could not get it up for 3 weeks after cessation.. Not kool to be 208 ripped but limp dicked..rather humbling but we had no ai s prami s or Viagra. Ya ll got it dicked nowadays....

Ur gonna explode OP...feed that machine son. !
Thanks for the great feedback guys, always good to hear from the people who have been there done that!

Teutonic, yep, diet is the key! Doesn't matter what you take, if you don't feed the machine properly it just wont grow. Oh, by the way, I am older than you... :)