Dbol / Test-e / Deca / Mast + Tren / Propp Cycle


New member
Hi there I'm planing a long cycle 16-20 weeks and wanted to get some feedback.

My stats: H: 6'1" W: 240 BF: 15%ish

Week 1 - 4: dianabol @40 mg a day
Week 1 - 12: Test-E 500mg every 5 days ( 700 mg/week )
Week 1 - 12: Deca Durabolin 300mg/week
Week 5 - 16: Masteron: 50-100mg every other day
Week 13 - 16: Prop: 300mg eod
Week 13 - 16: Tren-Ace: 100mg eod
PCT from week 14 Nolvo + HCG

This will be my fourth cycle in the past couple years... and first time running Mast and Tren... from what I've read the masteron binds to the estrogen receptors so I won't be as bloated with the test and deca but I usually blow out like blowfish running it. I've ran test and Deca at 1000mg / 400mg a week without any sides aside from water retention and mild acne... I'm hoping that the Masteron will combat that... if that is true will 50mg eod be enough or do I need 100mg ?

Any other thoughts or comments on this ?
so since I'm receiving zero feedback should I assume this cycle is perfect and nobody has any suggestions for improvements or corrections on any mistakes I might be making ?
Deca dose is very low (double it), and this is a lot of compounds. You sure you want to be injecting every day for 16 weeks? Mast helps with estrogen blockage, but it doesn't help with the high BP etc, and on a long cycle you might wanna have an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) to stop any gyno sides, or prolactin that might flare with tren + deca.

ALSO: I've read that you should avoid running tren + deca together, that they react poorly together.
Read the rules. And you have 4 posts. No one is going to give you a source right now. Hang around nd make some friends
whys that.. whats the big deal.. i dont plan on doing it forever i just want to beat my brick wall... i weight 140 and i cant beat my benchpress of 225 im stuck... i never did roids before... my friend just convinced me to try them but all he is trying to give me is TEST E.
im like scared of needles lol but i'm gonna do it for a few months... he says its only once a week.. i can suck it up right.. lol im just not trying to wait forever to do it... i mean i might make a mistake if no one help then i'll be like fuck the whole page
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I think starting the tren ace on week 13 is a bad idea. Just because you aren't injecting the deca anymore doesn't mean it isn't still in your system
@Avenger87 noted... but shouldn't I try keeping the test-e dose higher then deca... so if I'm not mistaken I have to up the dose to 1000mg/week if I double the deca dose ?

@Dmass20 ok thanks for the info I've never heard of tren + deca being bad together but will do some research on it... a quick google search says something about it being debated and not everyone agrees if it really matters but the supposed downside being that the tren competes for the same receptors as the deca and it wont start working right away.

I'll do a bit more research on it and maybe kick the tren+prop back a week or two and keep the test-e while the deca wears off.

I don't really mind the needles and I do know this is a long cycle but I'm bulking for a november competition and being tall I really need the extra time and mass to have a shot I am thinking that starting Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) earlier will help with keeping the testies at a normal size and make for a quicker recovery.

I have some equipoise laying around the house but I've never tried it before so I'm not really sure if I should use it or not although I don't mind the needles I do mind injecting 4-5ml at the same spot and having huge lumps on my delts, thighs or glutes so I might have to split the injections into 2 syringes and do one on the right side and the other the left one :/