Dbol users


New member
I'm on day 6 of my cycle and wanted to know if anyone had a journal or kept track of their body weight, and progress of their increase of weight at the gym. The only thing i'm feeling now is hunger, but I'm still pushing the same weight. I'm using 35mg a day, and yes I'm only using dbol. I choose this way for a reason, and there is a reason why i didn't take test w/ it. so please don't post "you should of taken test" thanks for your time.
It depends but usually for the first two weaks you experience only the body weight gains that come mostly from water. The strength results come afterwords.
give it some time..

..but i start to feel it within the first week, but i react well and quickly to most Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) anyhow...

what type dbol are you running?

how long are you going to run it for..

For me thai d-bol cause almost no water retention. You probably have the same affinity to this drug as me. Wait until next week. You will notice that every workout you will be stonger and bigger.