DC Nutrition Weekly Sale -- Aug. 4th til Aug. 10th


Steelers = SuperBowl
This weeks Sale is on our SportLab 100% Whey Protein (Both 2 pound and 5 pound buckets). We are offering 15% off all purchases of Whey Protein.

Simply use the following Coupon Code to redeem your discount: wheydiscount

You will notice the place to enter the Coupon Code just underneath the area where you are about to Checkout.

Sale ends Sunday night so if your looking to try some SportLab protein then get your orders in this week.


Biggie & Tx.
I just ordered some bro....thanks for the hook up...

Got two 5lb buckets of that Supreme chocolate!!!!!

I have to order some, now I am going to have 20lbs of protein sitting in my kitchen.
Just got my diet sent to me so perfect timing. My custom diet also recommended the glutamine peptides (g-plenish). Does the store carry that as well? I'm off to look.
To the top... why do I feel like Im stealing protien? :)
mvmaxx said:
Just got my diet sent to me so perfect timing. My custom diet also recommended the glutamine peptides (g-plenish). Does the store carry that as well? I'm off to look.

You have a dietician?

are you competing bro?

also if he or she recomended glutamine peptides, then he or she is very smart

suprisingly many do not even know what it is:p

but we do:cool: :)
Im a sports nutritionist and I think glutamine is laughable :)
uh oh, fight! Omega vs. YJ! lol i would like to know also why the peptide form is better than the reg. cheap l-glutamine form? Only way i will know is to try i guess
BiggieSwolls said:
hahahaha. I even offered you a 2 pound bucket to try out and you turned me down.
no, i turned you down on some of your advances on me. :D check your pm when you get a chance.
grafix-gnc said:
i would like to know also why the peptide form is better than the reg. cheap l-glutamine form? Only way i will know is to try i guess

well the short answer is that the simple pure l-form that we are all familiar with is the white refined sythetic amino acid that is a powder.

because it is just one amino acid in its refined form, it is VERY unstable, so most of its gets terminated by any ph changes

this is why most of it is lost in the stomach (stomach acid)

the peptide version is glutamine bound to other protein molecules, thus it is buffered from heat, and ph changes.

so your body gets to absorb the glutamine peptides throughout the process of digestion

thus its actually doing its job:)
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